Monday, March 26, 2012

Current Events March 26, 1944;


NEW DELHI, March 25. (UP) —
Japanese invasion f o r c e s have driven deeper into India, Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatton's headquarters announced today, hut in northern Burma, American and Chinese troops outflanked the enemy in the upper Mogaung valley, capturing a town only 58 miles from the rail and supply center of Myitkyina.

Naples, March 25. (U.P) — Fresh German reinforcements were reported moving up to join the battle for Cassino tonight and front dispatches Indicated the Nazi garrison had succeeded In regaining a major foothold In the shattered town after 11 days of the fiercest street fighting.

_ LONDON. March 25. (U.P) —'
Russia's three Ukrainian armies,, hurling the Germans back on opposite ends of the long southern! front, today smashed to within eight miles of the Rumanian bordcr, hammered out a 50-mile bridgehead on the north bank of the upper Dniester river, and advanced to within less than two! miles of the Black sea port of| Nikolayev
LONDON, Sunday, March 26. (U.P) —
The Rumanian general staff was reported to have ordered immediate mobilization of the nation's manpower for "urgent" military service today, amid increasing signs that Germany had seized complete control of the country in a desperate effort to halt the onrushing Red Army short of the Ploesti oil fields.


Sino-Yank Contingent
Outflanks Nips In
Upper Mogaung
NEW DELHI, March 25. (UP) —
Japanese invasion f o r c e s have driven deeper into India, Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatton's headquarters announced today, hut in northern Burma, American and Chinese troops outflanked the enemy in the upper Mogaung valley, capturing a town only 58 miles from the rail and supply center of Myitkyina. A Southeast Asia Command communique disclosed t h a t  a "strong" Japanese column had pushed more than 15 miles frm the Manlpur state border In the Somra hills tract area and that heavy Hunting was In process south of Ukhrul, 31 miles northeast of Intphnl, apparent objective, of the multi-pronged Japanese drive.
One Japanese raiding unit in that area drove even closer to the Manlpur Capitnl on Thursday but withdrew after an unsuccessful attack, while another small enemy detachment northeast of Imphal was moppod up by British Imperial troops.
Others Dislodged
In the Kabw valley sector, southeast of Imphal, the Japanese advanced from the south on the Tamu-Palol road, the main route from the cast into the Manipur valley, but other enemy troops north of the road were dislodged from a newly-won position. The invaders also carried out ineffective raids along the road.

New Zealand Forces
Charge Often,
In Vain
Naples, March 25. (U.P) — Fresh German reinforcements were reported moving up to join the battle for Cassino tonight and front dispatches Indicated the Nazi garrison had succeeded In regaining a major foothold In the shattered town after 11 days of the fiercest street fighting. Battle-wearied New Zealand Infantrymen charged again and again In a vain effort to dislodge the German Green Devil paratroopers from the row of gutted stone houses they held along the southern and western end of the town.
Through Tunnels
United Press war correspondent James E. Roper reported from the front, however, that the fighting appears-to have become stalemated and that additional Nazi reinforcements were believed piling into Cassino through a rabbit-warren of underground passages connecting to their strongpoints outside the town.

Russ Armies
Eight Miles
From Rumania
Soviets Two Miles
From Port of.
_ LONDON. March 25. (U.P) —'
Russia's three Ukrainian armies,, hurling the Germans back on opposite ends of the long southern! front, today smashed to within eight miles of the Rumanian bordcr, hammered out a 50-mile bridgehead on the north bank of the upper Dniester river, and advanced to within less than two! miles of the Black sea port of| Nikolayev.
Take 240 Towns
" The daily Moscow war bulletin and an order of the day from Premier Josef Stalin announced that  the Russians drove the Nazis from more than 2-10 towns on all fronts as the following triumphs were scored by the onrushing Ukrainian forces:

Rumanians, Nazis
Rush Plans for
All-Out Defense
LONDON, Sunday, March 26. (U.P) —
The Rumanian general staff was reported to have ordered immediate mobilization of the nation's manpower for "urgent" military service today, amid increasing signs that Germany had seized complete control of the country in a desperate effort to halt the onrushing Red Army short of the Ploesti oil fields.
London observers believed the German high command was struggling to establish a battle line along the lower reaches of the Prut or Danube in southeastern Rumania to protect the vital Ploesti oil fields on which the German military machine is dependent.
These sources predicted that the Germans and their Rumanian satellites would fight every foot of the way to prevent, the Russians from breaking into the Ploesti fields, which lie just s o u t h of the mountain passes leading through the Transylvanian Alps into central Rumania and the broad Hungarian plain.


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