Friday, March 30, 2012

Current Events March 30, 1944;


LONDON, Mar. 30. (U.P.)—
The Red army has stormed and captured Cernauti, gateway to the Balkans and capital of Bucovina province, in one of its greatest victories of the sensational offensive on the southern front, Moscow announced tonight.

NEW DELHI, Mar. 30. (U,P.)
—British forces have slowed down or halted the Japanese invasion of India at four key points on a 140-mile .front along the Indo-Burma frontier, a communique disclosed today, while Chinese units looped a death trap around 2,000 fiercely-resisting enemy troops in the Mogaung valley of northern Burma;

Naples, Mar, 30. (AP)
Fifth Army forces repelled two .small enemy attacks on the Anzio beachhead yesterday while .Allied –
p l a n e s ranged far and wide 'over Italy, hitting targets in the Rome, Turin, and Bolzano areas and sweeping across the Adriatic' to bomb Sofia.

Cernauti Captured
By Soviet Army
Plunge Across Prut
LONDON, Mar. 30. (U.P.)—
The Red army has stormed and captured Cernauti, gateway to the Balkans and capital of Bucovina province, in one of its greatest victories of the sensational offensive on the southern front, Moscow announced tonight.
Premier Josef Stalin proclaimed the capture of Cernauti by Marshal Gregory K. Zhukov's first army of the Ukraine a few hours after the German high command acknowledged its loss.
The fall of Cernauti, third largest city of prewar Rumania, opened the way for a Russian sweep across the Rumanian plains into the heart of Adolf Hitler's Balkan satellites and for a wheeling movement outflanking all the German defenses along the Prut river boundary of Rumania.

LONDON, Mar. 30. (U.P.)—
The German high command, acknowledged .today the loss of Cernauti, capital of Bucovina province and -key gateway to the Balkans, to Russian assault troops who stormed across the Prut and charged into the city in a two-day pincers.
A Berlin communique reported the "evacuation" of Cernauti, third city of prewar Rumania in the northeastern ^province yielded to Russia along with Bessarabia in 1940.

British Army
Halts Japs On
Indian Border
Defense Effective At
Four Key Points
On Frontier
NEW DELHI, Mar. 30. (U,P.)
—British forces have slowed down or halted the Japanese invasion of India at four key points on a 140-mile .front along the Indo-Burma frontier, a communique disclosed today, while Chinese units looped a death trap around 2,000 fiercely-resisting enemy troops in the Mogaung valley of northern Burma.
Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten's communique indicated that the main British frontier forces had 'gone into action with planes and heavy artillery in a determined effort to hurl the invaders back across the border.

Allied Planes
Range Through
Italian Areas
Some 1,800 S o r t i e s Fly
Over Rome, Turin,
Bolzano Area
Naples, Mar, 30. (AP)
Fifth Army forces repelled two .small enemy attacks on the Anzio beachhead yesterday while .Allied –
p l a n e s ranged far and wide 'over Italy, hitting targets in the Rome, Turin, and Bolzano areas and sweeping across the Adriatic' to bomb Sofia. The communique made no' refence to the Cassino front,
The attack on Sofia, capital of Bulgaria, was carried out last night by formations of both heavy and
medium bombers, a communique said.
Destroy 22 Aircraft
In addition to, assaults: on rail lines in northern- Italy by large formations of escorted bombers, air operations yesterday included medium bomber sweeps against 'the Viterbo airdrome north of.Rome and harbor and rail installations in northwest. Ita


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