Thursday, January 19, 2012

Current Events January 19, 1944;

LONDON. Jan. 19.—(AP)—
The Russians announced tonight that 20,000 Germans had been killed in the Leningrad area.
 LONDON, Jan. 19.—(AP)—
Russian troops, tearing a great hole into Nazi defenses on the Leningrad front, have advanced seven to 12 1/2 miles and captured the fortress town of Krasnoyc Sclo, 15 miles southwest of Leningrad, Marshal Josef Stalin announced today.

 M O S C O W, .Ian. 19.—(UP)—
The bloodiest battle of the war was reported raging deep in Germany's defense belt west of Leningrad today after Soviet tanks smashed through the Nazi line in the wake of an artillery barrage so devastating that it left enemy troops literally speechless.

The Japanese learned definitely today their key South Pacific bases of Rabaul. New Britain, and Kavieng, New Ireland, arc slated for "elimination" next with Rear Admr. Robert Carney's final; statement of Allied plans, but when  the final blows will fall remained a mystery

 WASHINGTON. Jan. 19.—(AP)
Lord Halifax. British ambassador conferred with Secretary of State Hull today concerning Pravda's publication of rumors of a "separate peace" talk between two Britons and Nazi Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop.
Halifax, it was apparent, was as mystified by the Pravda incident  as President Roosevelt professed himself to be yesterday at his news conference. So far as is known here the Russians apparently have made no effort to explain to an Anglo-American representatives the purpose behind Pravda's publication of the rumors, attributed to Cairo sources.

 Heavy Guns Captured as Red
Army Widens Breakthrough
On Northern Front to 25 Mi.

LONDON. Jan. 19.—(AP)—
The Russians announced tonight that 20,000 Germans had been killed in the Leningrad area.
LONDON, Jan. 19.—(AP)—
Russian troops, tearing a great hole into Nazi defenses on the Leningrad front, have advanced seven to 12 1/2 miles and captured the fortress town of Krasnoyc Sclo, 15 miles southwest of Leningrad, Marshal Josef Stalin announced today. The charging Red Army units "inflicted a serious defeat on seven German infantry divisions and captured a large g roup of enemy heavy artilery which had systematically shelled the city of Leningrad," Stalin declared in an order of the day broadcast from Moscow and recorded by the Soviet
The offensive also seized the important road junction of Ropsha. The drive pressed forward from Pulkovo below Leningrad and south of Oranienbaum. 20 miles west of Leningrad, piercing heavily-fortified
Nazi positions and advancing 7V4 to 12',i miles in five days of fighting. It "widened the break-through on every sector of the offensive by 20 to 25 miles, Stalin's order said.
 Bloodiest Battle of                   
War' Now Raging

M O S C O W, .Ian. 19.—(UP)—
The bloodiest battle of the war was reported raging deep in Germany's defense belt west of Leningrad today after Soviet tanks smashed through the Nazi line in the wake of an artillery barrage so devastating that it left enemy troops literally speechless.
The pulverizing Russian push south of the Baltic town of Oranienbaum. co-ordinated with another strong drive that penetrated the Nazi right flank south of Leningrad.

 Japs Facing
New Blows
Robaul and Kavieng

. To Be Wiped Out
Next, Says Admiral

The Japanese learned definitely today their key South Pacific bases of Rabaul. New Britain, and Kavieng, New Ireland, arc slated for "elimination" next with Rear Admr. Robert Carney's final; statement of Allied plans, but when rind hoh the final blows will fall remained a mystery.
Carney, South Pacific chief of staff, declared the bases now occupied by an estimated 100.000 Japanese
are next on the American list to be "put out of business," but said "just how we will do it will be something the enemy least expects."
 Rome Reported
Bombed Again

Fifth Army Plunges
Across Garigliano
River at Three Points


 Hull Halifax
Confer on
'Peace' Rumor


Both 'Mystified' by
Russian Publication
Of Parley Report

Lord Halifax. British ambassador conferred with Secretary of State Hull today concerning Pravda's publication of rumors of a "separate peace" talk between two Britons and Nazi Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop.
Halifax, it was apparent, was as mystified by the Pravda incident  as President Roosevelt professed himself to be yesterday at his news conference. So far as is known here the Russians apparently have made no effort to explain to an Anglo-American representatives the purpose behind Pravda's publication of the rumors, attributed to Cairo sources.

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