Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Current Events January 8, 1944;

A new offensive by the Russian Second Ukrainian army has Wasted a 62- mile-wide break-through in German Dnieper bend lines and has advanced 25 miles In three days, completely surrounding the Industrial
town of Krovbgrad, Moscow announced Friday night, while the Russian First Ukrainian army to the northwest struck 12 miles farther into old Poland to capture Klesow.

The fortress village of San Vittore, just six miles from Cassino and the flat plains leading toward Borne, fell to General Mark W. Clark's Fifth army at 3:57 p.m. Thursday after three days of desperate, no-quarter street fighting with a German garrison.

Fighting on the southeastern front of the American beach head at Capc Gloucester dropped into a lull intermittent patrolling and skirmishing with Japanese forces aroun Borgen bay Wednesday and Thursday but allied airmen continue their blows with the seventeen straight night raids on Kavieng, New Ireland, it was announced Saturday.


Gain 25 Miles in 3
Days; Also Dip 22
Miles Into Poland

London, Jan. 7.—(AP)---
A new offensive by the Russian Second Ukrainian army has Wasted a 62- mile-wide break-through in German Dnieper bend lines and has advanced 25 miles In three days, completely surrounding the Industrial
town of Krovbgrad, Moscow announced Friday night, while the Russian First Ukrainian army to the northwest struck 12 miles farther into old Poland to capture Klesow.
More than 120 towns and hamlets were captured by the resurgent forces of General Ivan S.Kkouev which have routed five German divisions in their sweep, said the Moscow communique recorded by the Soviet monitor.
This may be the beginning of General Kouev's drive to clear the Germans from the rich Dnieper bend—their easternmost salient in Russia—and join hands with General Nikolai F. Vatutin's First Ukrainian army,to the west.

 Clark's Fifth
Army Captures
San Vittore

Nazis Are Defeated
After Three-Day
No-Quarter Battle

Allied Headquarters, Algiers, Jan. 7.—(AP)}—
The fortress village of San Vittore, just six miles from Cassino and the flat plains leading toward Borne, fell to General Mark W. Clark's Fifth army at 3:57 p.m. Thursday after three days of desperate, no-quarter street fighting with a German garrison.
 More than 100 prisoners were taken and at least that many were slain as the strong point in the Germans' winter line was overwhelmed,
Don Whitehead, Associated Press war correspondent, reported from the wrecked town. San Vittore was captured after British and American troops had threatened to outflank it entirely in their march toward the Italian capital.

 Rumania Orders Ban
On Civilian Train
Travel as Reds Advance

Bern. Switzerland, Jan. 7.—(UP)—
The Budapest radio reported Friday night that Rumania has ordered n virtual ban on civilian train travel on all main lines, obviously in connection with withdrawal and defense plans Impelled by the Russian army's steady advances toward the Rumanian border.

 500 Germans, French
Meet Violent Death
Daily, Police Believe

Bern, Switzerland, Jan. 7.—(AP)—
French police estimate that 500 persons. Frenchmen nnd Germans, meet violent death every day throughout France, a Paris dispatch, to the Tribune de Geneve said Friday.
These include the victims of the railroad sabotage, bush fighting, political assassinations, nazi reprisals and ecxcutlons.
From Mont Bellard in the department of Doubs the newspaper reported that partisans fought a German patrol and killed 27 in releasing six Frenchmen imprisoned because they had printed a
secret .newspaper. Two women members of the guerrilla band were killed.

 Allied Airmen
Blast at Japs
New Ireland Bases
Are Again Targets

Advanced Allied Headquarters,
New Guinea, Jan. 8.—(U.P)—
Fighting on the southeastern front of the American beach head at Capc Gloucester dropped into a lull intermittent patrolling and skirmishing with Japanese forces aroun Borgen bay Wednesday and Thursday but allied airmen continue their blows with the seventeen straight night raids on Kavieng, New Ireland, it was announced Saturday.
General Douglas MncArthur's Saturday communique reported the lun fighting on the western end of
New Britain, where marines are pushing from Gloucester to Borge bay .after repulsing Japanese counerattacks Monday and heavy fighting Tuesday in which 600 Japanes were killed. Kavieng, strategic enemy harbor and supply base at the northern tip of New Ireland, only 150 mile norlhwest of Rabaul, New Britian was attacked Wednesday night bledlum units which bombed--------


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