The Berlin radio indicated today that American troops had driven within 22 miles of Rome and cut the Appian Way and main coastal railway by capturing Velletri, 18 miles northeast of Nettuno. "American troops are finding debris and ashes there after their own bombs transformed the little town into a heap of ruins," the radio report said. Velletri is on the Appian Way and only nine miles from the Via Casilina, the inland highway leading to the Cassino battlefield to the south.
ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, Algiers,' Jan. 25.—(AP)—
Allied troops have driven 12 miles inland from their Nettuno-Anzio beachhead and patrols are pushing deeper, headquarters announced today, with no "formidable" German opposition yet encountered.
The famous Appian Way to Rome and the main coastal rail line are about 12 miles inland from the landing area, but ft was not specifically stated that the invasion forces had reached them. It is obvious, however, that they are at least under Allied domination.
Germans Facing Worst Disaster Of Russian War
Fight Frantically
' To Avoid Trap As
Soviets Roll Ahead(By EDDY GILMORE)
MOSCOW, Jan/25.—(AP) —
With armored trains, Soviet armies of the Leningrad front pushed the Germans down the Leningrad-Vitebsk railway today as the Nazis fought frantically to avoid great encirclements from the sector south of captured Pushkin. (Tsarkoye Selo) - to positions in the area of Shimsk at the western corner of Lake Ilmen.
The Russians' big monsters of the rails are pouring .heavy salvos into the retreating N'azis, Red Star the army newspaper, said.
It appeared the Germans were faced with one of their worst catastrophes .of the Russian campaign, with large forces in divisional strength desperately fightingoff outflanking movements.
Buenos Aires Said
Now Ready To Sever
Ties With Germany,
MONTEVIDEO, U r u g u a y , Jan. 25.—(AP)—
Diplomats here said a sensational announcement. is expected to be made today in Buenos Aires—
with a strong possibility, it would be a formal declaration by Argentina breaking relations with the Axis countries.
Such a decision ostensibly would be based upon discovery of a pro-Axis espionage ring which led to arrest of an Argentine consul by British authorities at Trinidad, authoritative sources said. They expressed belief Secretary Hull had refrained yesterday from mentioning the Argentina in connection with the Bolivian coup d'etat, because Argentina had advised the U. S. ambassador of her contemplated step.
Argentina's foreign minister. Alberto Gilbert, told correspondents at Buenos Aires yesterday that he would -have "important news" today
He made the announcement after conferences with U. S. Ambassador Norman Armour, British Ambassador Sir David Victor Kelly and German Charge d*Affaires ' Erich Otto Meynen.
Capture Senj, Below
Fiume, After Fierce,
Costly Fighting
LONDON, Jan. 25.—(AP)—
Germantroops have occupied the Croat coastal town of Senj. 35 miles southeast of . Fiume, after fierce fighting in which Yugoslav Partisans forced the invaders to pay heavily in men and equipment, Marshal Josip Broz (Tito) announced today. Fall of Senj followed a furious battle over an 18-mile-long front between the coast and Otocac. An earlier broadcast by the Hungarian
News Agency quoted a dispatch from Zagreb as saying that Axis troops had not only occupied
Senj but had completed mopping-up oerations on Hvar Island farther down the coast.
Tito's communique, broadcast by the Free Yugoslav radio and recorded by the Associated Press, reported heavy fighting continuing in the Doboj-Tuzla_sector. of .eastern Bosnia, with "street 'fighting" raging in the streets of Tuzla
Earlier Yugoslav reports said that the Partisans had .captured the town of Gracanjca and destroyed the Dodoj-Tuzla railway line.
Large Formations Of Allied
Bombers Hammer Coastline In
France Third Successive Day
Area From Dunkerque To Boulogne
Blasted; Night Raiders Hit Reich
LONDON, Jan. 25—(AP)—
Thundering out across the English Channel for the third successive day. strong formations of Allied bombers hammered the French coast from Dunkcrque to Boulogne today as fine flying weather succeeded a windy and turbulent night.
Observers on the English coast reported large groups of both bombers and fighters launched the
new assaults shortly after dawn and soon the raiders were shuttling back and forth over the channel.
Twenty-one German planes were destroyed yesterday. In aerlnl batllcs which developed when escorted U. S. Flving Fortresses and Liberators braved bad weather to blast unspecified objectives in western Germany, a .communique announced last night.
U. S. Casualties
Total 142,289WASHINGTON, Jan. 25,—(AP)—
Latest available figures on American war casualties total 142,289 including 32,662 killed in action '
The Office of War Information announced the figures today. They cover Navy casualties through
December 31.
Navy casualties were listed as 35,572, number ins 15,520 dead. 7,206 wounded; 8,562 missing and
4,284 captured by the enemy. These figures include Marine Corps and Coast Guard casualties..
Army casualties to the end of December totaled 106,717. with- 17,142 killed, 39.917 wounded 24,137 missing and 25,521 prisoners of war.
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