Charleston, West Virginia, Monday Morning, January 24, 1944.
Fugitives Fill Roads,
Fleeing Eternal City
Nazis Reported Fearful Next Blow Will Descend
On South France, Rush Up Reinforcements
MADRID, Jan. 23.—(AP)—
The road out of the Italian capital is filled with official cars of both Germans and Italian Fascist authorities fleeing because of the threat of Allied forces pressing in from the south, diplomatic reports from
Rome declared today.
The German quartermaster corps headquarters has been moved north to Florence and the communications center for| the German army commands has been moved back Chiusi, 82 miles northwest of Rome, the reports said. Only the military has been left to prepare defense positions on the outskirts of Rome as the Allies consolidate their bridgehead around Nettuno, these reports continued. It was added that all telephone service between Rome and the north has been closed to civilans and Italian officials by the German military commander of the area and only the briefest diplomatic dispatches are permitted to be sent from Rome by neutrals.
Double Blow Feared
It is evident here that German concern over the possibility that an invasion of France will come in a double-header attack from both the A t l a n t i c and the Mediterranean is no longer a secret but is shown by elaborate defense preparations along the coast.
Arrows indicate 80-mile Allied beachhead, broken arrow
possible line iir German retreat along Appian way.
Gen. Clark Tours
Captured Beaches
5th Army Surges Forward on Rapido to Menace
Germans, Now Also Threatened on Flank, Rear
ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, Algiers, Jan. 23.—(AP)—
Allied forces, exploiting a surprise "left hook" invasion south of Rome, have punched several miles inland, headquarters announced today, while Axis broadcasts told of new landings along an 80-mile stretch from the Tiber to the Gulf of Gaeta just behind the Germans' trans-Italian line.
The Vichy radio declared the Allies had landed at Terracina and in the Gulf of Gaeta area directly behind the German front. If true, this represented an extension of Allied landings southward from the points between the Tiber estuary and the Nettuno and Anzio harbors where the Germans yesterday reported the British and Americans had stormed ashore.
Allied headquarters still had not disclosed the location of the Allied beach heads, but if troops had been
put ashore at all places mentioned by the Nazi stations the Allies were attacking at places all along the
German flank from the Rome vicinity southward. The Tiber mouth is 16 miles southwest of Rome and
Nettuno is 30 miles below Rome.
Allies Silent
The Allied command apparently felt that the German confusion caused by the operation was still great, however, and despite the enemy announcements, refused to give any information on exact whereabouts of the Allied combat forces which might aid the enemy in meeting the attacks.
Russia Views Landing As 2d Front Prelude
MOSCOW, Jan. 23.—(AP)—
Soviet press accounts of the new Allied landings on the Italian
coast below Rome were read with great interest by Ihe Russian
people today, who generally hailed the new offensive as the
prelude to a western invasion of Europe
Fleet Guarded Landing
LONDON. .Ian. 23.—(AP)—
A German radio war reporter said today that three aircraft carriers,
two battleships, five cruisers and six destroyers were used by the
Allies in landing at Nettuno, Italy.
Pan-Slavs Urge Bulgaria Break Hitler Link
MOSCOW, Jan. 23.—(AP)—
A Pan-Slav committee called on Bulgarians today to desert Hitler and join the ranks of the United Nations because "an ominous cloud hangs over your country and the flames of war approach your borders."
Printed in Pravda, organ of the Communist party, the message declared freedom-loving people of the world look on Bulgaria with shame because of her alliance with Hitler.
The committee accused the Bulgars of allowing the Germans to use thier ports and railways for the transportation of munitions used against the Soviet Union and scoffed that Hitler's lackeys in Bulgaria were afraid to send an army against Russia, but dispatched them against Yugoslav guerrillas instead.
Red Juggernaut Within 5 Miles
Of Closing Vast Northern Trap
Germans 'Retreat]
Becomes Rout '•
LONDON, Jan. 24.—(Monday) .—(AP?)—
Russian troops attacking below liberated L e n i n g r a d smashed to within five miles of . the key junctions of Krasnogvardeisk and Tosno yesterday, threatening the early capture of ; those towns through which perhaps 250,000 Germans must flee . if they are to escape destruction.
A Moscow midnight communique said the Germans were in "disorderly retreat" at the tip of the Tosno salient souheast of Leningrad, and were unable to stem the Soviet steamroller.
Far to the southeast the broadcast b u l l e t i n , recorded by the Soviet monitor, foreshadowed the early
liberation of the 50-mile stretch of the Leningrad-Moscow trunk line still held by the Germans between
Tosno and Chudovo.
Bridgehead Erased
The Russians were declared to have liquidated the last major German bridgehead on thy oust bank of the Volkhov river in the Cnizino aea nine miles east of Chudovo.
North of Gruzino Gen. K. A. Merctskov'stroops rolled swiftly westward, toppling town after town on a 25-mile front.
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