Lowell Mass. Wednesday January • 26 1944
Moves to
End Nazi
Foreign Minister
Broadcasts News
to People
By W. W. Copeland
BUENOS AIRES, Jan. 26. (UP) —
Argentina formally broke diplomatic relations with the Axis nations today in a dramatic move to end .
German espionage in the western hemisphere. Foreign Minister Col. Alerto Gilbert announced the above in a broadcast to the nation at 9:50 o'clock . this morning, after a series of asty conferences with diplomatic representatives of the United States, Great Britain and Germany.
Gilbert said relations with both Germany and Japan had been terminated because those nations Were using their diplomatic privileges for further espionage activities against the United Nations.
The move, foreshadowed for the last 24 hours by reports of increasing pressure upon Argentina from London and Washington, closed off the last Axis listening post in the Americas.
All other South American nations already had broken relations with, or declared war upon, the Axis.
Brkeak Great
Triumph for
U.S. Policy
Closes Entire
Hemisphere to
Axis Agents
By John A. Reichmann :
Official quar..s here, interpreted., Argentina's break with the Axis: as perhaps th- greatest triumph in : the 10-year history of the good neighbor policy.
The break, announced in Buenos Aires, closes the entire- western hemisphere to Axis agents. . Until today, Argentina had been the "only Americin country still doing business with Germany and Japan.
Argentina's action, climaxing a long period of Allied pressure in both the economic aad political.
fields, was expected to:
1. Halt tne spread.of dissension among the 21 American republics to which enemy. . agents have devoted great energy in the hope of diverting American attention and delaying Axis defeat.
2. Cut off all Nazi communications with the western, hemisphere, whence Germany has received information on ship sailings, war production, " mobilization and movements of troops.
3. Head off what most American observers believed . to be an epidemic of Axis information on Allied military plans and shipping movements.
Gilbert brought the situation to a head late last night with the announcement that his government was ready to take the "final step" toend these espionage activities which. he said, had harmed the national prestige and compromised Argentina's honor.
In Line
He indicated that the move was tken in line with the Pan-American convention under which all American states pledged themselves to a policy of hemispheric solidarity.
French Coast
Again Target
Allies Carry Softening-Up
Campaign Into Fourth Day
LONDON, Jan. 26 (UP)—Wave
of Allied bombers resumed the daylight bombardment of the French invasion coast in great strengtn today, following up a series of small-scale night attacks by the R. A. F. on northern France and western Germany.
Carrying of the greatest softening-up bombing campaigns in history into its fourth straight daylight,squadrons of American and British medium bombers crossed the Dover Straits at daybreak to heap ton of explosives on the chain of Gernan anti-invasion defenses strung long the Pas de Calais coast.
Swarms of Allied fighters shuttled continuously over the target area, covering the bombing formations against enemy fighter interception.
EXPAND INVASION FRONT — Arrows from Nettuno show where Allies are expanding
their control—in a radius of 12 miles according to Allied headquarters yesterday and into Veltetri
and Littoria according to German reports—and drawing German reserves from the Cassino front
50 miles away. Allied pressure on the front in the Cassino area continued.—AP WIRE PHOTO.
Raid Yet on
Heavy bombers of the Seventh" U. S. airforce Sunday carried out the heaviest raid announced' to'
date against- the Japanese-held Marshall islands dropping 50 tons of bombs on Wotje atoll:
The Tokyio radio in a' broadcast recorded by United Press in San Francisco, said today' that American forces lost 10 of 72 planes in live attacks on the Marshalls.
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