Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October 10,1944; Aachen Germany/ Surrender or Die:



Bolster Front
For Big Punch
Toward Rhine
The U. S. First army completely surrounded Aachen today and delivered to the German garrison there an ultimatum to surrender within 24 hours or
be conquered by ruthless attack. Doughboys had sealed off the Siegfried line city with a wall of troops, tanks and guns, and already were building up
a 25-mile front six to 10 miles inside the reich for a breakthrough punch toward the Rhine.
The U. S. commander told defenders holed up in Aachen that unless the city was "promptly and completely surrendered unconditionally, American army ground and air forces will proceed ruthlessly with air and artillery bombardment to reduce it to submission." Aachen is "now completely surrounded"
by fire army men, his ultimatum said.
Chop Escape Route
Earlier today the two jaws of a doughboy vise had chopped the German escape lane northeast of the city to only a mile in width, and choked it off with curtains of machinegun fire.

Americans Invade
10th Palau Island
(By The Associated Press)
AMERICAN amphibious troops in the western Pacific have established a firm beach-head on another of the Palau islands — the tenth to be invaded in less than a month. Only light opposition was encountered by soldiers of the 81st army division when they landed on Garakayo islet and pushed inland, Adm. Chester W. Nimitz announced last night. Garakayo is two and a half miles north of Peleliu where U. S. forces hold a fair fleet anchorage and a good airfield, both of which will be used to support Gen. Douglas MacArthur's forthcoming invasion of the Philippines.
Twenty-five Liberators, escorted by fighters, made the first neutralizing strike at Zamboanga, which has been a fortress guarding the southwestern tip of the Philippines since Spanish days.
Huge fires were blazing on the waterfront, half a dozen seaplanes destroyed and three small ships set
Hampered by Typhoons.
Nimitz indicated that weather conditions may delay the Philippine invasion. "The typhoons have given us much trouble," he said, and will give the Japanese a defensive advantage until the stormy season ends in December.

Reds Open Fire
On Memel, Push
Toward Tilsit
 A storm of Russian artillery fire broke today on besieged Memel, German-held port on the Baltic, while to the southward two soviet armies wheeled and hurled their full weight into a drive on the East Prussian fortress city of Tilsit
The great Baltic offensive of Generals Ivan C. Bagramain and Ivan Cherniakhovsky, ripping apart the German coastal flank protecting the heart of East Prussia, matched in spectacular success the sweep of Gen. Rodion Malinovsky's forces into northern Hungary.
5O Miles from Budapest.

Invaders Capture Corinth
British forces and Greek patriots have captured Corinth, freeing the entire Peloponnesus from nazi grip, and other British forces are storming Porto Edda, key to south Albania and northern Greece and chief supply port for the strategic island of Corfu, it was announced today.
Capture of Corinth liberated about one-fourth of Greek territory and gave the British a springboard for an advance on Athens only 48 miles to the east.
Launched Early Monday.
News of the attack on Porto Edda, scene of heavy fighting in the Greek-Italian campaign of 1940, was the first indication how the campaign of British paratroopers to clear Albania from the Germans is proceeding.

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