Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October 3, 1944;



Seize Ubach;
Threaten to
Circle Aachen
Breakthrough North of
Key Bastion; Another
Breach Made in South
London, Oct. 3 —(AP)—
American troops broke through the Siegfried line above Aachen today, the First army announced, scoring a second major breach in the German westwall. A four mile drive, threatening Aachen with encirclement, carried through a belt of concrete forts and put the doughboys almost astride the main highway running north of that fortress city of the Siegfried line. Other first army men broke through the wall below Aachen more than two weeks ago. and pushed eastward.
A four mile drive, threatening Aachen with encirclement, carried through a belt of concrete forts and put the doughboys almost astride the main highway running north of that fortress city of the Siegfried line. Other first army men broke through the wall below Aachen more than two weeks ago. and pushed eastward. "We are definitely through the old Siegfried line and we have a second major breach," an officer told AP Correspondent Don Whitehead at the front. "There are still fortifications and anti-tank defenses ahead of us which the Germans built recently."
Two Towns Captured
The German towns of Ubach and Palenberg were captured, along w i t h Rimberg castle. Thirty-nine pillboxes were knocked out, and from 40 to 300 prisoners were taken.
Simultaneously, in the battle for Holland. RAF heavy bombers breached the sea wall guarding the Dutch island of Walcheren, sending water over German installations. Most of the front was in action.
American .armor was knocking the Germans out of Overloon, southeast of Nijmegen. Farther south, U. S. cavalry units near Havert—20 miles north of Aachen—were forced back across the Wurm river last night, but etrantwnttacked- today and regained lost positions.
Attack Main Metz Fortress
'Ihe U. S Third army was assaulting a main fortress guarding Metz. B r i t i s h and Canadian armies fought against stubborn Gorman resistance
in Holland and Belgium. bach, defended by troops ordered to hold or be shot, is nine miles s n o r t h of Aachen, and three below Geilenkirchenlt, is two miles
inside Germany.

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