Monday, October 15, 2012

October 15, 1944; Aachen Civilians Surrender:


Formosa Ripped by Heaviest Raid;
Yank Troops Mop Up Ruined Aachen
Sobbing, terrified Aachen citizens streamed into the American lines by the thousands today as doughboys smoked out the last die-hard German troops in the holocaust of the city and the desperate German command began withdrawing its entire north flank in Holland in an effort to plug the  Yanks' Rhineland break-through.
Meanwhile the Germans, along an,  35-mile arc. were wheeling their armor, Rims and infantry southward behind the west wall to man the breach that will be created when Aachen is finally mopped up.
While the bombers struck t


 German Aachen Civilians
Get Bitter Taste of War
By John Wilhclm
WITH THE AMERICAN FIRST ARMY, Inside Aachen, Oct. 14.—(INS)—
For the first 'time, war has really come home to the German civilians in Aachen this afternoon, they squirmed out of their underground shelters, and in a pathetic, desolate parade of weeping women holding crying babies in their arms, walked down a wide avenue of levelled buildings and homes.
A great pall of smoke darkened the entire tragically ironic scene.
These were the people to whom Hitler had promised "lebenstraum." These were the people who had been crammer! into stench-filled. dirty shelters for four days without a bite to eat.
These were people who today trudged meekly and weirdly up the  hill out of Aachen and surrendered to the American army.
They made a pathetic picture as they struggled, near collapse, under the weight of, (heir cheap imitation leather suitcases filled with meager possessions.
I couldn't help but wonder how nearly they resembled the picture "die monde" Hitler had circulated among his people showing the refuges from Warsaw vainly trying to escape the forward surging German Army.
These refugees made a pitiful sight as they marched towards the American lines.

British Report
Hitler Opening
General Attack
50 Division* Said Hurled
At Eisenhower's Men
On Western Front
AEF, France, Oct. 14.—(INS)—
U. S. infantry and bazooka teams, blowing up whole blocks of bomb-ruined buildings to o b l i t e r a t e snipers, gradually neared the center of Aachen
Saturday night after capturing most of the German city's eastern section in the second day of a jungle-type street battle. .
That the resistance of Aachen's Nazi garrison of some 2,000 troops was verging on final collapse was indicated tonight when the German radio admitted that the Americans had rammed "a new breach" in the devastated city's "factory area."
While the methodical mopping up of last-ditch resistance inside the Siegfried line bastion progressed, the Germans continued to rush strong armored and infantry reserves down from the north—some of them transferred from the Nijmegen sector of eastern Holland where British troops advanced toward the Reich border.
Big Nazi Attack Reported
At supreme Allied headquarters the impression grew that a major : battle to decide the fate of Germany's indispensable Rhineland and Ruhr industrial basins was brewing I near Aachen and that the Germans were determined to commit important forces to such an engagement even after the fortress city falls.
The London Sunday Dispatch military correspondent asserted that "the entire German west front force has taken the offensive in the past 24 hours." The
writer declared that 5KT German Divisions, comprising some 500,000 troops with tank, artillery and air support, were counter-attacking from the Scheldt estuary through the Nijmegen sectors in Holland to the Aachen area in Germany, unleashing their attacks at a time when the Allies "are still struggling with major supply problems."

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