Monday, January 13, 2014

January 10, 1940;



LONDON, Jan. 10. (A. P.)—The air ministry announced tonight that Royal Air Force planes had dropped bombs near the German Island of Sylt while "on patrol" over enemy seaplane bases' last night. No casualties were mentioned.
(United Press Leased Wire) BERLIN, Jan. 10.—The official news agency reported today that three of nine Brit ish airplanes raiding Helgoland bay had been shot down.
The news agency said that no German planes were lost. Germany's important naval and aerial bases off the north coast are at Helgoland, the
Islands of Sylt .and other points
British Targets
Dispatches from Denmark said that there apparently had beenfour raids by British planes today the Helgoland and Sylt areas in addition to similar raids last night.
Danish reports told of heavy anti-aircraft fire and indicated that a large number of planes were in action in a series of raids.
The German high command reported eight British vessels had been sunk by German planes in the North sea, yesterday.
Sank Two Ships
The British admiralty had reported one British and two Danish ships sunk by German planes and eight other vessels attacked.

HELSINKI, Jan. 10. (A. P.)—
Two hundred Russian dead were left on a battlefield north of Lake Laflpga today when Finnish forces dispersed a Soviet battalion and
took 40 prisoners, a Finnish communique announced.


By Associated Press
WITH the Finnish army at the Russian frontier near Raate, central Finland, Jan. 10. — Victorious Finnish troops who have thrown shattered remnants of two Russian divisions back across their border were reported today to have surrounded a third enemy division at Kukkamnio, south of the scenes of recent triumphs.

For the first time since the Red army invasion began the Finns have cleared the area- between Lake Kianta, Suomussalmi and the frontier of Russian units and today they established border posts along a 30-mile stretch.

Details of the Kukkammo action were lacking, but ski troops finished mopping up remnants of the Russian Forty-fourth and One Hundrednd Sixty-third' divisions, routed in 14 days of bitter fighting.
Finnish control was complete in the border region directly east of . Lake Kianta, into which two Russian divisions marched at the start of the war.
Crack Troops Beaten
Equipment and personal belongings abandoned by the fleeing Russians indicated the Forty-fourth division— smashed southeast of Suomussalmi—was one of the Red army's crack units from the Polish campaign.








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