Friday, January 31, 2014



Chamberlain Moked
Before Large Crowd

BERLIN, Jan. 30.—(AP)—Adolf Hitler, his voice shrill with emotion and knife-sharp with bitter irony, predicted ominously tonight before a vast sports palace mass meeting that England and France alike will get "the fight" he said they had asked for, and voiced his utmost confidence that Germany would win the war. It was the seventh anniversary of his elevation to chancellor. His speech, the first formal one he had made since Nov. 8, when he barely escaped death in the Munich beer hall explosion, was announced to the world only a few hours before he went to the platform, and the place in which he was speaking was known outside Germany only when the radio broadcast began to come over loudspeakers.

A wildly enthusiastic throng, however, was there to hear him pronounce the determination of  the German people and its leadership unshakable; it’s army the greatest in the world; its position safe "from the rear" because of its alliance with Russia and bulwarked by unchanged, "clos friendship" with Italy.
Finn Airmen Strike
Back on Soviet Soil
HELSINKI, Jan. 30.—/P—Finland's air force, apparently growing in power, was officially reported today to have struck back at Russia by bombing "a certain harbor and vessels lying there, enemy motor lorry columns, troops quarters and certain railway stations." Informed sources indicated the harbor was Kronstadt, Russia's greatest west coast naval base, near Leningrad. (Indicating how the Finnish air force is growing, dispatches from Bergen, Norway, reported that a shipment of American-made warplanes for the Finns had been landed there from two United States steamers and started by rail for Finland.)
Finland's defense against enemy air raiders also apparently were increasing in effectiveness, for the high command communique announced that 21 Russian planes had been shot down in the course of yesterday's widespread raids on Finnish cities and towns.

Russian field guns wnrc reported to be pumping thou-
sands of shells into Finland's Karelian Islhmus defenses (A)
to relieve the' hard-pressed fragments of four red divisions
on the Lake Ladoga front (B). At Kitela, one large group of
Russian troops was reported to be surrounded with a would-be
relief unit blocked b.v the Finns 20 miles from its destination.
Nine Russian planes tried to bomb Viipuri (C) but were turned
back by Finnish planes. Soviet planes over Helsinki were
driven off by anti-aircraft fire.

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