Friday, March 19, 2010

CURRENT EVENTS MARCH 11, 1942; Atrocities Confirmed

The Centralia Chronicle
Centralia, Washington, Wednesday, March 11, 1942
Seven Warships Lost by Japs
Australians Strike Hard At Invaders
Great Convoys of Enemy Continue,
However, Moving Toward
Eventual Jumping-Off
Bases in New Guinea
By Associated Press
Australian bombers struck
smashing blows at Japanese
warships today and claimed
to have sunk or damaged at
least seven, but unofficial reports
said the' enemy's great
invasion-bent convoys continued
moving toward their eventual
jumping-off bases in New Guinea.

Brazil Acts Against Axis
President Gives Himself Authority
To Declare War in
Case of Foreign Menace
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil, March
11.—(AP)—President Gelulio Vargas
issued a decree today giving himself
.the authority lo declare a
state of war or a state of emergency
throughout. the country in
case of foreign menace, imminence
of Internal disturbance or existence or
existence of a plan of conspiracy
Jap Atrocities
Are Confirmed
Eyewitness Account Given by
Englishwoman Who Made
Her Escape from Hongkong
CHUNGKING. March 11—(AP)—
Phyllis Harrop, first foreign woman
to escape from Japanese-occupied
Hongkong, gave an eyewitness ac-
.. count today of the atrocities committed
by the Invaders, in complete
confirmation of the report before
Britain's house of commons yesterday
by Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden.

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