The Charleston Gazette
Charleston, West Virginia, Tuesday Morning March 24, 1942.
Chinese Hit at Burma Flanks;
Australian Air Tempo Mounts;
Men on Bataan Pledge Loyalty
Japs Stalled
Near Toungoo
Hard Fighting Rages Along
Pyu River as Chinese
Fall on Invaders,
Booty Seized
Japs Rush New Aerial
Reserves Into Burma
AVG and RAF Trade Heavy
Blows and Retain Air
Command in Area
CHUNGKING, China, March
23.—AP—Heavy fighting has
been raging on the Burma front
along the Pyu river, 35 miles
south of Toungoo, since last Friday
when Chinese forces smashed
a Japanese attack, Generalissimo
Chiang Kai-shek's military
headquarters announced today.
In this action, reported briefly in
a New Delhi communique Saturday,
the Chinese said their forces
counter-attacked along the Japanese
flanks and inflicted 200 casualties
upon the invaders.
The Chinese also reported the
capture of large quantities of equipment
from the Japanese who had
moved up the railway from Pegu
for the attack.
Moresby Gets Savage Blow
23 Jap Planes Do Slight
Damage — Attack May
Herald Invasion
MELBOURNE. March 23.— (INS)
— The aerial preliminaries to the
battle of Australia rose to an ever
higher pitch of destructive fury tonight.
The Japanese air force struck
the southeast New Guinea city of
Port Moresby its heaviest blow of
the war.
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