British Aim Raids At Nazi Sub Bases
Attack Helgoland And French Coast
(By The United Press)
Great Britain's tough commandos struck again today as
two stiff Allied blows by land, sea and air forces were aimed
at Nazi submarine bases on the European coast.
The first, as reported by the German high command, was
a thrust by British land and naval forces against the big
axis-held naval and air base of St. Nazaire on the west coast of
France, presumably in an attempt to knock out a base used
by German long-range bombers and U-boats in their attacks
on Allied shipping in the Atlantic and off the American
The second was an RAF raid on Helgoland naval bases
in continuation of the British aerial offensive against Germany.
Weather interfered with observation of the results ofthe Helgoland attack, in which four British planes were lost---
MacArthur Is Possible Pick For President
Name Linked With
Franklin Roosevelt's
As 1944 Choices
United Press Staff Correspondent
WASHINGTON, March 28. —
(U.P)—Even though a war is being
fought, there is already some talk
i n connection with the 1944 presidential
The elections are m o r e t h a n two
and a half years off, and many
things can happen between now
and then—but they nevertheless
already are in the minds of many
people. One reason for this is
that there will b e many governors,
senators and the entire house of
representatives up for election in
November of this year and t he
results of some of those contests
ultimately may have some bearing
on various potential candidates'
chances in t h e i r p a r t y conventions
of 1944.
Two big names are h e a r d often
nowadays in connection with the
next presidential race: those of
Franklin D. Roosevelt and Gen.
Douglas MacArthur.
F o u r t h Term a Possibility.
Roosevelt, having broken the
"no third term" tradition in t he
1940 elections, is n a t u r a l l y being
watched by republicans to. see
whether or not h e might be considered
for a fourth term. The republicans,
who have b e e n ' o u t of
power since 1933, hope that
Roosevelt will not again prove to
be the "indispensable man," because
his vote-getting ability has
a l r e a d y been disastrous for them.
MacArthur is the hero of the
day due to t h e courageous defense
which he and his outnumbered
forces h a v e been p u t t i n g u p in t he
Philippines, and i t is only n a t u r a l
t h a t he be paid tribute by being
mentioned as a possible candidate
for the presidency. Nobody here
knows what his political inclinations
might be, although it is surmised
that he probably would be a republican.
American Big Guns Smash Japanese Attempts
To 'Soften' Corregidor for Final Offensive
WASHINGTON, March 28.—(U.P)
—American artillery broke u p an
a t t e m p t e d new J a p a n e s e bombing
a t t a c k on Corregidor island last
night and inflicted numerous casualties
on enemy forces on Bataan
peninsula, t h e w a r d e p a r t m e n t r e ported
J a p a n e s e patrols "were p a r t i c u l
a r l y active" on Bataan, and our
troops carried out " a successful
night r a i d " there.
Japanese bombers were making
l i t t le if a n y progress in t h e i r effort----
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