Oakland Tribune
New Jap Cruiser Hit; Foe Nearing Moresby
Enemy Raids New Targets In Australia
German Missionaries
Reported Guiding
Nippon Land Troops
MELBOURNE, March 19. —(AP) —
The battle about Australia's north
ern tip broke into new fury today
with Allied air attacks on the Japanese
at several island points, Japa-
nese raids on northern Australia and the Solomon Islands, and sensa
tional reports that German missionaries
are leading an overland Japanese
invasion in New Guinea.
MacArthur Used Speed Boats, Planes
Escape Details Bared;
Seven Days, Nights
Necessary for Flight
CHICAGO, March 19.—(U.P)—The
Chicago Sun said in a copyrighted
dispatch today that a squadron of
roaring speedboats carried Gen.
Douglas MacArthur and his party
from Bataan to a secret meeting
place where airplanes picked them
up five days later for their flight
to Australia.----
Japanese Advance Up Irrawaddy Valley; British Withdraw
Two Freighters Are Torpedoed
Yugoslav, Norse
Ships Are Victims
Off Atlantic Coast
WASHINGTON, March 19.—(AP)—
The Navy announced today that the
Yugoslavian freighter Trepca had
been torpedoed off the Atlantic
Coast and that a large Norwegian
merchant vessel, otherwise unidentified,
had been torpedoed off the
southeast United States coast.----
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