Galveston Daily News
MacArthur^Purpose Relief of Philippines
I Came Through,
I Will Return/Says General
We Won't Be Satisfied Until
Allies Take Tokyo—Stilwell
Associated Press War Editor
Tho allied accent yesterday was strongly on grand offensive
action in the Pacific, distant though the day may be, for
two. high American commanders made it plain that Pres.
Roosevelt had given them orders contemplating nothing less
than reconquest of an ocean and the recapture of all China
for the Chinese.
Busy though he was in preparing for the more immediate
job of .holding Australia, Gen. Douglas MacArthur, the allied
generalissimo for all east of Singapore, told the world in a
two-paragraph interview that aggressive action on heroic scale
was even now in his mind.
"The president of the United States ordered, me to break
through the Japanese lines and proceed from Corregidor to
Australia for the purpose, as I understand it, of organizing an
'American offensive against Japan.
Mass Machine-Gun Executions of 4000 Serb
Patriots Reported in Nazi-Held Yugoslavia
Wholesale Arrests Made Among French, Belgians
Harsher Restrictions
placed .Upon; Jews._
by Axis Satellites"
. - • By Assdciated Press
From German-subject but stll
defiant lands of Europe came acounts
today of brutal, mass machine
gun executions of 4000 Serb
patriots, of wholesale new arrests
among .Belgians and Frenchmen
and harsher restrictions upon Jews
by axis satellites.
Houstonian Sails
First 'Ugly Duckling*
Freighter to Egypt
Houston. Tex., March 20. (AP) Capt.
Richard G. Ellis, who has sailed
the first "ugly duckling" freighter
successfully to Alexandria, Egypt
is a Houstonian.
His wife, Alice, received a cable
gram from him today which succinctly
said: "Hope everyone home
okay. Love."
It was so good to have a message
from him, to know He had arrived
safely, Mrs. Ellis said, joyfully. “W eve
been worried with all of the torpedoing
out there.
In addition to other firsts credited to the
ship it was the first ship and the first voyage
for Ellis as a captain. An employ
of the Lykes Bros. Steamship Co
Ellis had been a chief mate before
receiving his captain's commission
late last year.
Although a native of New Or
leans. Capt. Ellis has lived In
Texas since 1917 and Houston has
been his home since 1928. He
has been following the sea for 20 years
Capt. Ellis left Houston for Baltimore
Dec. 20 and took over the
"ugly duckling" as soon as she
was launched. Mrs. Ellis did not
know where her husband was going
but she knew he was sailing
on a long trip." She hopes to
see him again this summer.
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