Tuesday, May 15, 2012

May 16, 1944;

 Allied bombers swept over western Europe from the Atlantic Wall to the Reich without loss yesterday in the pre-invasion aerial offensive. The weight of American, explosives was spread from France's bombcratered Pas de Calais to points well behind Hitler's first-line invasion defenses as streams of heavy, medium, light and fighter-bombers concentrated their attacks on the French coast and north France.

NAPLES, May 15—
French troops of the Fifth Army punched what was officially announced as "a; significant breach" in the Gustav Line in Italy today and advanced in a two pronged drive to within five miles of Esperia, right-flank bastion of .the Hitler Line
beyond it. Five villages fell to this wedge. 

The Chinese have started a new offensive at the Burma border to link up with Lt. Gen. Joseph Stilwell’s Ledo road forces advancing across northern Burma from India, the High Command announced today, and at the same time have recaptured points on the Peiping-Hankow railroad in central China which the Japs had just taken.

New York, N.Y.—London, England Tuesday, May 16.1944
Allied Blitz
Thunders On
Not a Fighter Rises to
Meet Attacks on
Atlantic Wall
Allied bombers swept over western Europe from the Atlantic Wall to the Reich without loss yesterday in the pre-invasion aerial offensive. The weight of American, explosives was spread from France's bombcratered Pas de Calais to points well behind Hitler's first-line invasion defenses as streams of heavy, medium, light and fighter-bombers concentrated their attacks on the French coast and north France.
The Allied air offensive was termed by a Berlin military commentator last night
as not only a. preparation but "part and parcel of the invasion itself."
Up to 250 Fortresses and Liberators struck the first blow yesterday morning, flying across the Channel to hit the Pas de Calais—one of the most heavily bombed regions in the world—after a night in which the Luftwaffe lost 15 aircraft on missions against south and southwest England., presumably in an effort to spot Allied Second Front preparations.
Not One Nazi Plane Seen
Shepherded by Mustangs of the Eighth Air Force, the heavies dropped their loads without encountering a single German plane and returned without loss. One P51, probably a victim of flak, did not return.

French Units Punch
Hole in Gustav Line,
Near Key Strongpoint
Yanks Seize Town
Controlling Road
From Cassino
NAPLES, May 15—
French troops of the Fifth Army punched what was officially announced as "a; significant breach" in the Gustav Line in Italy today and advanced in a two pronged drive to within five miles of Esperia, right-flank bastion of .the Hitler Line
beyond it. Five villages fell to this wedge.
At the same time, Americans to the south occupied the ancient town of Santa Maria Infante after a terrific bombardment by artillery and  dive-bombers
that left hardly a building standing. They also seized strategic hills on both sides
of the Ausente River and took San Pietro to the northeast.
On the front below Cassino, British and Indians of  the Eighth Army penetrated
deeper into the Liri valley. Their Rapido River bridgehead was pushed to a depth of 2,000 yards and additional bridges were built to supplement the two on which the initial crossings were made.
2,000 Prisoners Taken
Some 2,000 Nazi prisoners were taken—1,200 of them, including-six battalion
commanders, from the German 71st Division, which was wiped out by the Russians at Stalingrad but later re-formed.
This division has borne the; brunt of the Fifth Army attack and the! whole of its defenses have been overruns.

Chinese Launch
Drive to Link Up
 With Stilwell
20,000 Strike at Burma
On Wide Front; USAAF
Aids Loyang Defense
The Chinese have started a new offensive at the Burma border to link up with Lt. Gen. Joseph Stilwell’s Ledo road forces advancing across northern Burma from India, the High Command announced today, and at the same time have recaptured points on the Peiping-Hankow railroad in central China which the Japs had just taken.
Meanwhile the outnumbered Chinese  garrison of  Loyang, important railroad Gateway to the west, still held out against Japanese armored forces which have
broken through the city gates and stormed the town from all sides. The U.S. 14th
Air Force flew to support the Loyang defenders, blasting Japanese armor, artillery and other military targets both north and south of the city.


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