New York, May 5. ;
The Tokyo radio announced today
that Adm. Mineichi Koga commander of the Japanese combined fleet, had been
killed on active duty, lees than a year after ,|
his predecessor, Adm. Isorotu
Yamamoto, had met a similar death.
London, May -5-
American Liberator bomber pounded
the "invasion coast" of France again today in a before breakfast
blow, and then medium and fighter bombers and fighters took over the
twenty-first consecutive day of the relentless pre-invasion bombing of Europe
with attacks on rail lines feeding Hitler' Atlantic wall.
FRIDAY MAY 5, 1 9 4 4
Is Reported Same As
Die On Active Duty,
Says; Toyoda
Is New
( Aaaoclated Press )
New York, May 5. ;
The Tokyo radio announced today
that Adm. Mineichi Koga commander of the Japanese combined fleet, had been
killed on active duty, lees than a year after ,|
his predecessor, Adm. Isorotu
Yamamoto, had met a similar death.
A broadcast recorded by United S
t a t e s Government monitors quoted an imperial headquarters communique as
saying1 Koga had "died at his post in March of this year while directing
general operations from an airplane at the front."
The wording of the communique
bore a striking similarity to a Tokyo communique of May 21, 1943, a n n o u n c
i n g Yamamoto'a death in a warplane the previous
April "while directing
general strategy on the front line."
Sound Leader Koga, age 59,
generally had been regarded as a sound but not brilliant naval officer noted for
tenacity rather, than for his initiative.
He lacked the reputation of his
predecessor, who was known as the man who torpedoed the London naval conference
in 1934, planned the sneak attack on Pearl'
Harbor and once boasted he would'
dictate peace terms in the White house.
Attack Carried Out Third
Day Without Loss
Struck By Yanks, Berlin
Announces; Budapest
Raided By Night
London, May -5-
American Liberator bomber pounded
the "invasion coast" of France again today in a before breakfast
blow, and then medium and fighter bombers and fighters took over the
twenty-first consecutive day of the relentless pre-invasion bombing of Europe
with at tacks on rail lines feeding Hitler' Atlantic wall.
Not a plane was lost today, the third
on which American heavy
bombers have battered France and Holland
without loss. Of the few
German planes that challenged the
invaders, fighters escorting Mitchell bombers shot down four.
The Berlin radio said that allied
Mediterranean bombers were over
Romania this afternoon after as '
night's raid on Budapest in Hungary, but the report of the daylight attack
had not been confirmed by allied headquarters; The broad cast said the
afternoon raiders penetrated the Balkan kingdom under a heavy cloud cover and
were atacked by German fighters in sharp battles.
In Six Days The
Liberator assault was t h e fifth
heavy bomber blow on rail anti-invasion
installations and air ports in
northern France in six days.
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