Monday, May 21, 2012

May 21, 1944;

I.ONDON. May 20. — (INS) —
Between 6000 and 6,250 planes racked continental Europe
within the 21hours ending at dusk tonight.  In a record breaking preinvasion  assault that rained fresh destruction on the German coastal defenses In France as well as rail points and airfields behind them.

LONDON', May 20.-(INS)—
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, supreme commander of allied Invasion forces in western Europe, called upon the underground of the occupied lands tonight to muster it’s strength for a telling blow at nazi oppressors, whose military arrangements, he urged, now should be ferreted out.

Ernie Pyle
A B-26 BASE SOMEWHERE IN ENGLAND. May 20.—(By wireless)-
The men in the B-26 battalion  I have been visiting  live exceedingly  well for wartime.
They realize it, too, and are full of appreciation

Long Beach 2. California, Sunday. May 21, 1944

Rail Junctions, Air
Facilities Battered
In Huge Operation
I.ONDON. May 20. — (INS) —
Between 6000 and 6,250 planes racked continental Europe
within the 21hours ending at dusk tonight.  In a record breaking preinvasion  assault that rained fresh destruction on the German coastal defenses In France as well as rail points and airfields behind them.
While 1000 to 1230 United States heavy bombers and fighters pounded three airdromes and a rail junction In France, the allied expeditionary air force hurled more than 4000 medium, light and fighter bombers along with fighters at Hitler's Atlantic wall. This set a new mark for operations by the air force organized to pave the way for and support the coming Invasion.
The daylight raids. In which 5000 to 5230 planes took part, continued almost ceaselessly from dawn to late evening and began soon after some 1000 RAF bombers resumed from a 2900 ton blasting of four rail centers In France and one in western Germany early Saturday.

Ike Instructs Underground
LONDON', May 20.-(INS)—
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, supreme commander of allied Invasion forces in western Europe, called upon the underground of the occupied lands tonight to muster it’s strength for a telling blow at nazi oppressors, whose military arrangements, he urged, now should be ferreted out.
Through a spokesman casting over the new ABS American Broadcast  station in England and the facilities of BBC. General Eisenhower also warned his continental listeners to become familiar with the voices of his aides who will issue detailed instruction in the future. This was done to prevent the Germans from issuing  spurious  instruction through their own channels.

Ernie Pyle
A B-26 BASE SOMEWHERE IN ENGLAND. May 20.—(By wireless)-
The men in the B-26 battalion  I have been visiting  live exceedingly  well for wartime.
They realize it, too, and are full of appreciation. You almost never
hear an airman griping about things around here. This is an old station, and well
established. Our men are comfortably housed and wonderfully fed The officers have a club of their own. with a bar and a big lounge room, and the Red Cross
provides a big club right on the station for the enlisted men.
There are all kinds of outdoor games, such as baseball, badminton,
volleyball, tennis, and even golf at a nearby town.------


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