Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May 2, 1944; Bombs fall Belgium to France:



Smash Against
Fortress Europe
For 18th Day
Enemy Resistance Reported
Negligible . ALL
Along the Line. .Belgium
and F r a n c e
Bombed From Dawn to
By WII.I.1AM SMITH  White.
London, Tuesday, May 2—(/P)-
RAF bombers smashed targets in France last night In the great Allied aerial offensive punctured yesterday by heavy daylight, attacks' against German amt-invasion defenses on the Calais coast-"and  17
rail Junctions of the transport web designed  to support them.
Gen. Eisenhower's Invasion command opened this perhaps fateful month for the sullen minions of German-occupied Europe yesterday by throwing more than 2,500 planes—Including Fortresses and Liberators against fortress of Europe.

198 Men Lost "
When U. S. Ship
Sunk By Enemy
Washington,  May 1, ---(AP)---
The loss of 498 in the recent sinking by enemy action in the Mediterranean was announced today by the army, was the third major transport loss of life of the war
Whether the ship was attacked by enemy submarine or planes was
not disclosed in the brief announcement, which did not mention survivors or give the date of the sinking.
The vessel sank swiftly and 498 military personnel are missing" :be army said. "The next of kin of the personnel have been notified."

Japanese Solidify Hold
In Northern China
By Leonard Millman
Associated Press War Editor
Japanese  gorillas  have pushed northward in North China lo solidify their hold in Asia, where Allied commanders  concede the major land battles of the Pacific war will be fought.
American-operated medium tanks were brought Into play for the first time in northern Burma in the only ground action pointed at restoring a supply line over which Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek can receive the modern military  equipment he needs to stem the Japanese march in China.
_Admiral  Chester W. Nimitz ambitious push across the central Pacific is still 3.000 miles from his objective on the China coast. But it Is progressing so well that he was able to report yesterday only a lone navy Liberator was able to sink a ship and make strafing  runs on two airdromes at the once supposedly Impregnable central Pa- (continued on page 5)


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