Sunday, May 6, 2012

May 6, 1944; Bombers attack Romania:


LONDON, May 6-(AP)-
German reports relayed through Stockholm said today .that the Russians had
massed men and equipment "on an enormous" scale in old Poland for a new drive on the path to Berlin.

Naples, May 6-(AP)-
The Germans are reported to' have evacuated all Italian civilians beyond the Fifth
Army's main front for a depth of 20 miles, allied headquarters announced
today. It was explained that this meant the evacuation of several sizable towns within the 20-mile belt.

Associated Press War Editor
Exactly two years after forcing a humiliating surrender upon the defenders of the Philippines, the fighting forces of Japan today found themselves on the offensive in only one of five theaters of war. But that offensive contained a grave threat to China.
The enemy was engaged in a many-pronged operation in China's rich north-east region.

BOMBAY, India, May 6-(AP)-
Mohandas K. Gandhi, Indian Nationalist leader, was released today from the Aga Khan's summer palace in Poona where he had been detained since August, 1942.


Allied, German
Armies Poised
For Final Test
A t t a c k Is Imminent,
Rommel Warns Nazis;
Truce Terms Drawn
Naples, May 6-(AP)-
American bombers today attacked five points in Romania. The targets were the rail yards and an aircraft plant at Braso 75 miles north of Bucharest, Pitesti 60 miles northwest of that capital. Cartova 95 miles to the east, Campina and Turnu Severin.
Fortresses and L i b e r a t o r s fought through enemy fighters in bombarding: the targets at Brasov.
The blows, coming; in a steady offensive against Balkan targets, were the first delivered against Pitesti and Cartova.
LONDON, May 6-(AP)-
German reports relayed through Stockholm said today .that the Russians had
massed men and equipment "on an enormous" scale in old Poland for a new drive on the path to Berlin.
The reports said the Red army was concentrated in great strength, in the vicinity of Kowel, 170 miles southeast of Warsaw, and also was gathering near Kolomyja, 30 miles southeast of Stanislawow near the old Czech border.

Nazis Evacuate
Civilians From
Italian Front
People Forced To Move
Back About Twenty
Naples, May 6-(AP)-
The Germans are reported to' have evacuated all Italian civilians beyond the Fifth
Army's main front for a depth of 20 miles, allied headquarters announced
today. It was explained that this meant the evacuation of several sizable towns within the 20-mile belt.
In the lower Garigliano sector of this front, an increase in infantry action was reported and in the upper river valley an enemy patrol attempting to cross the stream in rubber boats, was repulsed, it was announced.
On the beachhead and the Eighth Army front several minor clashes occurred. On the beachhead three German tanks and several buildings were knocked out by direct hits. At besieged Cassino, several enemy mortars and machine guns were
silenced by allied artillery and machine guns.

Japanese Aim
Knockout Blow
Against China
Strategy Is Developing
Two Years After Fall
Of Corregidor
Associated Press War Editor
Exactly two years after forcing a humiliating surrender upon the defenders of the Philippines, the fighting forces of Japan today found themselves on the offensive in only one of five theaters of war. But that offensive contained a grave threat to China.
The enemy was engaged in a many-pronged operation in China's rich north-east region. In Chungking there was a feeling the opertion had a grand objective: to knock China out of the war and remove it as a possible base for Allied atacks on Japan's home islands. The Japanese appeared to have won control of all but 40 miles of the Peipng-Hanchow rail route, and to have shifted their main effort to capturing Loyang, railways crossroad to the northwest.. - The seizure of .this junction would facilitate a drive upon Chungking, protected though its behind great mountains and jungle.
Allies On Offensive
From the other four theaters came reports of Allied success. In India the British opened a general attack to clear the invaders f:rom the Kohlma area. Southeast Asia headquarters declared the Japanese were thrown out of important positions around that Allied base protecting the Assam-Bengal supply route to China and Burma.

Gandhi Released
By British Today
Condition Of His Health
Given As Reason
BOMBAY, India, May 6-(AP)-
Mohandas K. Gandhi, Indian Nationalist leader, was released today from the Aga Khan's summer palace in Poona where he had been detained since August, 1942.
The government  e a r l i e r  announced its decision to release the 74-year-old leader unconditionally in view of the condition of his health. Gandhi had failed to recover after an attack of malaria.
The British had confined him for political activity which they regarded as hampering India's resistance to Japan.

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