Saturday, April 24, 2010

Current Events April 23, 1942; FRENCH FLEET TAKEN OVER BY JAPANESE:

             Hope Star

French Ships to Japanese
Madagascar to
Go Next; Nazis - . . ; ^
Get Workmen
LONDON (AP)— A British spokes-,
man said Thursday "it is now re-
ported that 50,000 tons of French
shipping have been taken over
by Japan and these are almost all
certainly ocean going vessels."
He said it would not be in the
public interests to disclose what
information "we possess regard-
ing the present situation of these
A Free French authority said
Tuesday he heard the Vichy
government had turned over a number
of ships in Indo-China lo the
Japanese and that the Japanese,
were .negotiating for more.

1,900,000 Axis Troops Called Up By Hitler
By the Associated Press
Adolf Hitler who is believed to
be trying to fulfill his long-heralded
offensive has called up a total of
1,900,000 fresh reserves, official
Russian spokesmen said Thursday
as Stockholm dispatches reported
increasing German nervousness over
the prospect on an Allied invasion
of Europe.

Japanese Keep Up Fast Pace on Burma Front
CHUNGKING — (AP) — Japanese
troops driving up the Salweem river
valley in eastern Burma captured
the key town of Loikaw from
the Chinese defenders on Tuesday
evening, Chinese army command

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