Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September 12, 1944.BATTLE ON GERMAN SOIL:



Battle Rages
On German Soil
Allies Hold Solid Front From North Sea
To Mediterranean, Seal Great Trap on
Enemy Forces Seeking to Reach Home
LONDON; Sept. 12.—(AP)—
Two Berlin-bound American . columns which battered into Germany 70 miles apart were ramming against the Siegfried Line today. One First Army spearhead thrust five miles inside the Reich from Luxembourg. Seventy miles to the north elements of an armored division crossed the frontier in strength, stepping off from Belgium east of the town of Eupen. Both border plunges were made by the U.S. First Army. Another spearhead, presumably of the Third- Army, was reported lo have reached the Our River boundary line of Germany and Luxembourg, - w i t h i n plain sight of the Siegfried Line.
Germans could be seen moving into the line's concrete pillboxes and bunkers, a dispatch said.
Eupen is 10 miles below the Siegfried fort city of Aachen. U.S. armor thrust over the frontier in this area at 6:10 p.m. Monday. Tanks beat forward deeper this morning. The crossing from Luxembourg, hit into the Reich northwest of Trier,

Germans Cheer Yanks
NEW. YORK. Sept. 12.—(AP)
National Broadcasting Company's reporter .lames Cassidy., broadcasting from "near the Belgian-German frontier." Today quoted "almost incredible report's
coming back from First' army forces invading Germany.
Cassidy said that American troops' passed through "an- unnamed town toward Trier and instead of resistance met with an uproarious greeting from German civilians."

Raid By 130
Planes Claimed
Announcement Follows U.S. Account of
Assault Costing 89 Nip Ships and 68
Aircraft; Unconfirmed by Yank Navy
The Tokyo radio said today that-about 130 carrier-based Allied planes attacked Japanese .positions in the Central Philippines on Sunday (Japanese time)—the second such blow at the islands to be announced within 24 hours. The broadcast, recorded by the Federal Communications Commission, gave no details, but declared "the successive counter-attacks-by planes of the enemy task force require careful watching. Two planes were shot down, Tokyo added.
Today's Tokyo broadcast also reported that about 100 carrier based planes yesterday attacked Yap Island in the Western Carolines.
89 Ships, 68 Planes
Wrecked at Mindanao
Sept. 12.—(/P)—
Boldly sweeping 500 more miles westward in the first Allied sea-borne blow against the Philippines, a U.S. carrier force struck Mindanao Friday, destroyed or damaged 89 Japanese ships, wiped out 68 planes and laid waste to five airfields and other installations vital to Japan's defense of the conquered island. The attack — announced 'late yesterday from fleet headquarters, here—blanketed important known enemy bases on the island from Sarangani Bay on the
south to Surigao at the extreme north. It was far westward of any previous carrier strike in the southwest Pacific.

Flying Bomb Train Blasted

 Belgium Sept. 12, (AP)
I have Just seen an area in which more than 100 flying bombs were exploded in one  spot by an air attack. The nightmare scene is about a half mile from the Ceschulen railway station near the Albert Canal southeast of Diest. At 12:30 p.m., September 1, a squadron of rocket firing- Typhoons pounced on a German- manned train of 40 cars, each car bearing three flying bombs.
The Typhoons blew up the locomotive first, blew-up the locomotive first, blasting it off the tracks then circled'
around and around picking off' robot bombs und their terrific cargoes of explosives intended for England.

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