Thursday, September 20, 2012

Septemer 18, 1944;


|Charleston, West Virginia, Monday Morning, September 18, 1944
2d Smashes Into Netherlands
South of Sky Troops' Attack;
1st Pounds Closer to Cologne
American 3d Captures
Luneville in Drive4
Against Germans
LONDON, Sept. 17,—(AP)—
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower unleashed the powerful 1st Allied airborne army today, 'sending more than 1,000 air transport and glider loads into Holland at the northern tip of the Siegfried line in a bold attempt to skirt it and drive
for Berlin.
That clearly was the assignment of the sky soldiers—already reported in field dispatches to have driven the Germans from several Dutch towns near the Reich's frontier; While supreme headquarters did not say where the thousands Of American. British, and Polish sky troopers landed, the Germans- declared
they hit Dutch soil in force at Njjmegen, 12 miles west and slightly north of where the already breached Siegfried Line ends at Kleve.
Simultaneously, the British 2d army broke across-the Dutch frontier south of the landings in a great offensive timed perfectly with this first entirely air-borne operation in military history

Army Invades
Angaur Island
Of Palau Unit
Marines Battle Desperate
Japs for Peleliu Gains;
Foe on Anguar Flees
PEARL HARBOR, Sept. 17.—(AP)
—American soldiers of the 81st army division landed Sunday (west longitude time) on Angaur island, southernmost of the Palau group, while 1st division
marines continued to face heavy enemy fire in their fight toward strong ridge-top entrenchments of the Japanese defending Pelliu island.
The landing on Angaur. six miles southwest of Peleliu, was announced in a communique from Paicific fleet headquarters. It said "all initial objectives have been gained against enemy resistance, which so far has been relatively light "
Meanwhile, American Southwest j Pacific army forces were unopposed as they consolidated their positions on Morotai island, in the Moluccas, 375 miles south of Davao. Philippines. The small Japanese garrison there took to the hills and Yank engineers continued the work of preparing an airdrome as a hopoff base for aerial blastings in the Philippines

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