Thursday, September 20, 2012

September 19, 1944; GERMAN DEFENSES CRUMBLE:



Eindhoven, Big
Transport Hub,
Falls to Allies
Germans Admit Loss of Brest; Armies Sweep
Northward in Drive to Turn Corner of Nazi
Siegfried Line; All Landing Objectives Gained
FORCE, Sept. 19. (U.P)—Lieutenant-General Lewis H. Brercton's airborne army turned the northern end of the Siegfried Line today in the Arnheim area of eastern Holland beyond the Rhine, while other Allied forces captured the Dutch transport hub of Eindhoven. Elated spokesmen said the aerial invasion of Holland was going exactly as planned on its third day and the commanders were highly pleased with its progress.
Front dispatches said the skytroopers and (he British Second Army were wheeling through Holland at. a lively clip, and the entire
Nazi defense system for the country appeared to be falling apart.

Russia, Finns
Sign Armistice
Reds Nab
Valga in
Russians Grind Down
Nazi Division Per
Day in Gigantic Fight
LONDON, Sept. 19. (.#)—
Soviet troops have made "a great breakthrough" and captured more than 2000 populated places south of Kiga, Premier-Marshal Stalin announced tonight (illegible) proclaimed the fall of Valga, strategic rail Junction on the Estonian-Latvian border 87 miles northeast of Riga, and 60 miles from the Gulf of Riga. General Ivan C, Bagramian's great Baltic offensive below Riga gained 25 miles in four days, and widened its breakthrough corridor to 75 miles, Stalin said.
LONDON, Sept. 19. (AP)—
The Moscow radio announced today that Finland had signed an armistice with Russia and Britain. The first brief announcement, broadcast by the Soviet
information office- and recorded here by the Soviet monitor, did not give the terms. They will be disclosed later.
The official statement however, listed the names of those participating in the negotiations which were in progress from September 14 until today, when the agreement was signed.
Britain and Russia signed the terms as representatives of the United Nations.

Yanks Kill
5543 in
Asios, Peleliu's
Main Town Nabbed;
Angaur Drive Speeded
FLAGSHIP, PALAU, Sept. 19 (Via Navy Radio). (UP)
The First Marine Regiment today captured Bloody Nose ridge after a vicious fight and tonight the 'Battle 'for' Peleliu appeared to have passed the crisis point. The leathernecks now have seized their primary objectives on this strategic island barrier to the Philippines.

By Associated Press
American drives on Peleliu and Angaur islands in the southern Palaus gained momentum today as the Japanese showed signs of weakening under the terrific attack which cost them 5543 dead in the first four days' fighting.
The Peleliu airdrome, one of the biggest and best of captured Japanese fields, is being used by American planes. To the northward the First Marines pushed
ahead across tough coral ridges, after capturing the island's main town, Asias, two adjacent villages and an offshore islet. The Japanese were falling back.
Leif Erickson, Associated Press war correspondent, reported in a flagship dispatch that Japanese commanders had shackled their men in observation posts and caves, to insure their death stand, while officers' bodies had been converted into booby traps.
Opposition Light
On Angaur island, 6 miles southward, the Eighty-first (Wildcat) Army Division speeded up its lightly opposed advance. The infantrymen captured Saipan town, the principal settlement, with its artillery-wrecked phosphate refinery, once vital for Japan's explosives, and the largest railroad yard in Oceania.

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