Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January 30, 1945; Soviets/Yanks Surrounding Berlin:



Russians Within 80 Miles of Berlin;
Yanks Seize Siegfried Line Sector
Americans Surprise
Nazis, Attack
In Waist-Deep Snow
PARIS, Jan. 30 (AP)—
The Seventy-eighth division captured three ;miles of the Siegfried line today in a surprise attack through waist-d e e p snowdrifts in the Monschau forest, three miles inside Germany.
The First army outfit struck just north of the eliminated Belgian bulge while other troops of Lieut. Gen. Courtney H. Hodges' command and the Third army moved
up to the west wall defenses along 40 miles o£ the Ardennes front.
The Third army expanded its Oder river bridgehead nearly a mile into Germany on a two-mile front.

Three-Pronged Drive
Threatens to
Cut Off Nazi Capital   
LONDON, Jan. 30 (AP)—
Marshal Gregory Zhukov in a sharp new surge toward the Oder river has driven ahead 12 miles into Brandenburg province and about 80 miles from Berlin, the German radio reported tonight.
Moscow dispatches said soviet armored spearheads were forging ahead in a huge three-pronged assault which threatened to cut off | the nazi capital if a frontal attack failed. They fought forward in a blizzard as German broadcasts declared
the Russians had launched a heavy armored offensive on a- 42-mile front inside the border of | eastern Germany on a "beeline for Berlin," and that "the first onslaught
gained  a p p r e c i a b l e  ground."
First Objective
The broadcasts said the first objective was the communications
enter of Kustrin on the Oder and Warthe rivers, 42 miles from Berlin.

Unconditional Surrender
Explained to Germans
PARIS, Jan. 30 (AP)—
On the eve of the widely-heralded big three conference, the allies have begun showering German lines with leaflets explaining the "unconditional surrender" goal announced at-Casablanca, it was disclosed today.

Yanks Hit Last
Jap Defenses
Guarding Manila
Nips Suffer Serious
Losses in Three
Savage Counterblows
Jan. 30 - (UP)—
Vanguards of the American Sixth army swung down on the last Jap defense line north of Manila today, driving into the swamp lined Calumpit bottleneck barely ten miles from Manila bay and 23 miles from the enslaved Philippines capital.
Front dispatches indicated that only a thin Jap covering force lay between the advancing doughboys and Manila, although the difficult terrain was expected to prevent a quick march into the city.
Far to the north other American troops were running into their bitterest opposition since the Luzon invasion began 22 days ago.
Fanning out northeast and east from their Lingayen Gulf beachheads, the Americans were threatening the entire Baguio area where the bulk of the enemy
island garrison was believed concentrated, and the Japs reacted savagely.
Nips Suffer Heavy Losses
Reinforced enemy tank and. Infantry units counter-attacked three times against the American spearheads over the week-end and were routed with serious losses after a touch-and-go battle. The Japs tried their biggest counter-blow shortly after midnight
Saturday night around San Manuel, 24 miles south of Baguio and 18 miles inland from Lingayen gulf.

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