Sunday, June 16, 2013

June 16, 1945: BIG APPLE FALLS:


Japs Jammed
Into 8 Square
Miles of Island


GUAM—(AP)—American soldiers and marines fought forward behind flamethrowing tanks on t he southern Okinawa plateau today in a campaign which Lt. Gen. Simon Boliver Buckner, Jr., said should secure the entire island within a week. Late frontline dispatches estimated the possibility 10,000 remaining

Japanese now were compressed into an eight-square-mile area. Buckner's Tenth Army speared ahead in the center and at both ends of the 3-mile-long line against resistance that still was ferocious despite the enemy's great casualties and the fact that many of the defenders were service troops or Okinawa conscripts.

'Big Apple' Falls.

In the center, the 96 infantry division, commanded by Maj. Gen. James L. Bradley, completed the Capture  yesterday of 500-foothigh Yaeju hill, which the troops call "The Big Apple," and then Yuza hill with tanks to knock out positions from which the Japanese were heavily-harassing the First Marine Division flank.

Robert Geiger, Associated Press correspondent reporting from the top of Yaeju hill, said that the line alreadyhad advanced a half-mile beyond the peak.
Maj. Gen. Pedro A. Del Valle's First Marines, a mile and a half westward on Kunishi ridge, consolidated their hold despite a plunging automatic fire from the Japanese on Yuza hill a and sent patrols out ahead of their lines.

The marines Thursday night repulsed a small JJapanese counterattack and numerous infiltration attempts.

Tough on Tanks.


Yanks Smash
Toward North
Tip of Luzon

MANILA. — {AP) — American troops were out on the floor of the broad  and fertile Cagayan Valley today, pounding along at nearly a mile an hour within 150 miles of Aparri at t h e northern tip of Luzon.

Maj. Gen. Robert S. Beigler's 37th Ohio Infantrymen, who h a d been battling north along a tortuous mountain gorge for three and a half months, smashed through Japanese resistance yesterday and headed out across the flatlands in a race with the July typhoon season.

When t h e typhoons strike they will bring flood waters raging over the valley's low-lying tobacco, rice, and corn lands, bogging down motor vehicles and grounding aircraft.

Liberate Two Towns.

The veteran Buckeyes rolled ahead 22 miles in 24 hours after breaking through the last Japanese defenses at the valley's southern gateway, and liberated the important Isabella Province towns of Santiago and Echague.

The 37th Division's advance into Cagayan Valley marked the first time any of Mac Arthur’s troops have been fighting on level terrain since they crossed the central plain to Manila in January.


French Attack
Franco Troops

CHAMBERY, France.— (U.P.) —

French resistance members fought an hour-long pitched battle here late yesterday with troops of t he Spanish Blue Division, which fought the Russians on the eastern front, and killed -12 Spaniards. Approximately 100 Spaniards and several Frenchmen were wounded in the fighting.

A sealed train brought the Spaniards here on their way home to Spain from Switzerland, where they had been interned after fighting as volunteers with the Wehrmacht on the eastern front.

As the train drew into Chambery Station, the French attacked. They smashed windows and ripped' off doors to get at the Spaniards inside.


Truk Battered
By Carriers

SAN FRANCISCO.— (AP) — An Allied carrier raid Ion by-passed Truk Island fortress went into its third day today, Tokyo Radio reported,- after an hour-long bombardment by a supporting naval task force. Japanese broadcasters "presumed" British fleet and carrier units made the attack on the island group in the center of the Carolines.

These unconfirmed, broadcasts recorded- by the Federal Communications Commission, included the first report of a task force bombardment of Truk. It was

Repeatedly  raided by U.S. carrier aircraft during the days when it' was one of the most formidable of Japan’s island outposts. Truk is now encircled by Allied held,bases.

The strike began _ Thursday when about 60 sea-borne aircraft raided the isolated base, once Japan’ s greatest stronghold in the Central Pacific, broadcasts heardby the Federal Communications commission said.

A task force of about two cruisers and four destroyers followed up yesterday with an hour-long; bombardment supported by about 30 carrier planes. Sixty seaborne aircraft "presumably operating from an aircraft carrier of the British Pacific Fleet carried the attack into the third day, Tokyo said, with a five-hour raid.

The Japanese Domei News: Agency claimed that several raiding planes, were shot down- .

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