Sunday, April 14, 2013



Fires Rage in Nip Capital
—Huge Blasts Rock
(By Associated Press)
GUAM, April 14 —
The greatest B-29 raiding force yet struck the arsenal area of Tokyo early today with fire bombs, causing explosions which pilots said were heard more than 100 miles away.
Explosive blasts bounced the 60-ton Superfortresses--as much as one mile upwards through the air, pilots said. They unanimously agree it was "a very successful raid."
The Japanese met the raiders with jet-propelled fighters which B-29 crew members said flashed across the sky like great balls of fire.
There was no official report yet on Superfortress losses, but one returning: flier said losses were light.
Tokyo radio said the B-29s had been given a "hot reception" and that 18 were downed and 12 damaged.

Joy Reigns In
Freed Vienna
Red Army Welcomed—
130,000 Germans are
LONDON, April 14— (C.P.)—
Powerful Russian forces, released by the fall of historic Vienna, mounted new drives today aimed at Prague and the Nazis' mountain fortifications in southern Germany.
The Austrian capital on the Danube fell yesterday to the combined weight of the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian armies under Marshals Rodion Y. Malnovsky
and Feodor I. Tolbnkhin after a week-long siege that resulted in the capture of I3,000 Germans, by Moscow account.
Vienna, second city of the so-called greater Reich and bulwark of the invasion routes to Bavaria little more than 100 miles away, was the 10th European capital occupied by the Red Army and the 18th liberated or conquered by the Allies.
Moscow said that between, March 15 and April 13, 11 German tank divisions were smashed as Russian forces closed in on the Austrian capital, and the Soviet radio last night said the Viennese had saved "the honor of the Austrian nation" by assisting In the liberation of the famed city of song.

Czech Border Only 18 Miles Away With U.S. 3rd
Army 88 Miles from Joining Hands With Russians
and Cutting Germany in Two
Bayreuth Entered—Tighten Siege
Arc Around Leipzig
Entry Imminent
LONDON, April 14— (C.P.)
ABSIE, the American station in Europe which beams propaganda broadcast to the continent, said today the United States 9th Army's entry into Berlin was
“imminent." The station explained, however, that this statement on the broad picture drawn from front-line dispatches.
The broadcast made no reference to specific distance of the front line. Latest advices from Associated Press correspondents with the Sixth Army placed it 45 miles from the city.
ABSIE's report was broadcast at 5:30 p.m. and said: "There is a state of tension in Berlin as the United State* fill Army approaches the city's western outskirts. Entry into Berlin is imminent.
WITH THE U.S. 3RD-ARMY, April 14—(A.P.)—
The United States 3rd Army's 90th infantry reached a point 18 miles from the Czechoslovak border today as the 4th armored division drove to a point within seven miles of industrial Chemnitz.
Moving On to German Capital
PARIS, April 14—(A.P.)—The U.S. 9th Army won a record crossing over the Elbe river today and fought slowly forward on the outer defences of Berlin. U.S. 1st and 3rd Army tanks hurtled well east of besieged Leipzig, neared the Russian lines and advanced into the Nazi mountain stronghold of Bayreuth.
The flanking sweep past Leipzig carried deep into Saxony to within 10 miles of Chemnitz, 88 miles from the Russian lines and 38 from Dresden.
Germany was virtually bisected for the last direct communications from Berlin south—including the superhighway to Munich—were cut. The 3rd Army was within 25 miles of Czechoslovakia and had by-passed the northwest
tip of that republic.

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