Saturday, April 27, 2013



Salt Lake City, Utah, Friday Morning, April 27, 1945

Soviet Leader
Vows Pole
Rift Solution
Promises Full Russ
Support in World
 Peace Organization
(AP)— Russian Commissar Molotov catapulted the world security conference into a tight deadlock Thursday by blocking the election of Secy, of State Stettinius to its chairmanship. The stolid Russian also rejected a British compromise.
What was to have been a routine initial business meeting of chiefs of delegations broke off abruptly, its task far from complete, its participants stunned and amazed at prospects of another big three row.
After setting off his explosion, Mololov proceeded calmly into a news conference to give public assurances of an eventual solution to a controversy already flaming
among Russia, Britain and the United States — over a knotty Polish problem.
Pledges Cooperation
And from here, he moved on to the conference's first plenary session to pledge full cooperation, Russia's "inflexible" .support, in erecting a new and powerful
peace-keeping organization.

Red Army Engulfs
Most of Berlin;
British Win Bremen
Patton Tanks Near Austria Line;
Reds Overrun Torgau on Elbe,
Peril Hitler Headquarters in Capital
While Swiss reports — wholly unconfirmed by official sources—told of a juncture of American and Russian troops, the red army fought into the final third of flaming Berlin Thursday night. In another sector soviet troops seized the great Baltic naval base of Stettin.
The British captured Bremen, Germany's second port, to climax two days of furious fighting, and Gen. Patton's Third army forces were reported some eight miles from the Austrian border.
Meanwhile, the rout of two German armies in Italy appeared almost complete as American Fifth army troops hurtled northward and captured Verona at the foothills of the Alps.
PARIS, Friday, April 27 (UP)
— Heavily gunned U. S. Third army tank columns battled
eight miles from Austria Thursday day in a bid for a swift showdown with last stand enemy troops massing at the border, and in the north the British captured
Germany's second greatest port of Bremen.
As these blows fell on the north and south segments of dismembered Germany, allied capitals of Europe buzzed with rumors started by a Swiss radio report that the Americans and Russians had met in the Elbe river area on "a front of many
miles."(insert Map)

LONDON, Friday, April 27 (UP)—
Red army hordes, hastening the fall of Germany with capture of the Baltic port of
Stettin and the Moravian arms' center of Brno, were reported by the German radio Thursday night within one-half mile east of the Bendlerstrasse, where Adolf Hitler reputedly has his Adolf Hitler  underground headquarters in, the heart of Berlin.
Soviet armored columns, 60 miles south of the isolated reich. capital, captured Torgau on the west bank of the Elbe, 16 miles from U. S. positions on the Mulde river. Junction Reported
(The historic junction of the eastern and western allies apparently was an accomplished fact lacking only the formality of an ' official announcement. C B S Correspondent Richard Hottelet reported that on a front, tour it
went as far east of American lines at Torgau, crossed the river and returned without an enemy shot having been fired. This presumably was some hours before the Russians captured Torgau.)
Both German and Moscow reports indicated that Russian flying columns had entered or overrun virtually every section of Berlin, leaving only fanatic resistance in the hulks of buildings and subway tunnels. Moscow dispatches said that the city might fall within 24 hours.
Reds Engulf Berlin

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