Monday, April 15, 2013




Junction With Yanks
Aim Of Red Drive,
Germans Assert
By Richard Kasischke
LONDON, Sunday, April 1 5
Panicky German broadcasts said that a massive, swaying tank battle -was raging early today within 30 miles of Berlin after two mighty Soviet armies opened "preparatory" offensive operations Saturday for a linkup with American troops.
Nazi Defenses Smashed
The battle raged after massed Prussian forces broke through powerful Nazi fortifications in preliminary thrusts which. Berlin said, indicated that the Red Army
had begun the grand-scale, long-planned offensive, to engulf Berlin and end the war.
Late German broadcasts Indicated that the major Soviet blow was about to fall along the Neisse river 85 miles from Lt. Gen. Geo S. Patton's U. S. Third Army. One Soviet battle group was said to be attacking after violent artillery fire to cover up heavier attacks, planned to sweep south of Berlin and link up in the area of Dresden.
There was no confirmation from Moscow, but dispatches reported a zero-hour atmosphere In the Soviet capital.

Americans In
Outskirts Of
City, Is Claim
First And Third Army Tanks Bypass Leipzig
And Drive Within 85 Miles Of Russian Lines;
Simpson's Men Again Span Elbe River
By James M. Long
PARIS, Sunday, April 15 (AP). U. S. First and Third
Army tanks drove deep beyond besieged Leipzig and within
85 miles of the Russian lines Saturday while the German*
opened up with nrtillery against the Ninth Army front le»i
than 45 miles west of Berlin.
(Editor's note: The Paris radio said American Ninth- Army troops to the north already were in Berlin's outskirts.
The Luxembourg radio said they were 13 miles away. The Germans themselves said they were only 21 miles away as of Friday. In London, newspapers expected their triumphal entry into the rubbled capital to be announced at any hour.)
A German radio commentator today described the Third Army drive, which had reached within seven miles of Chemnitz, as "significant," and predicted It's speedy exploitation for a linkup with Marshal Ivan S. Konev's First Ukrainian Army in Silesia.
Now Front Line City'
The same commentator declared Berlin now was "a front-line, city” and "may well reckon with defense simultaneously against the western Allies and the Soviets."

War News
Is Hinted
By Alex Singleton
LONDON, Sunday, Anril 15 (AP).
The London Sunday Express reported today that "news of major importance is
known to have reached the cabinet ministry yesterday." And declared "the war may end literally at any moment."
Victory Weekend
Contributing to the wave of optimism in London, the Sunday dispatch' carried a headline saying "this is the victory weekend."
However, when a secretary to Prime Minister Churchill's residence at 10 Downing, street was asked if there had been an official state alert ho said: "No—thank
No special preparations had been made In official quarters in London for any startling announcements over the weekend. Censors were not clamping down on any news generally known.
Many Britons got their cue that something might happen from. Prime Minister Churchill's sudden cancellation of plans to fly to Washington for the funeral of
Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Three Rumors Cited
(The National Broadcasting company said that rumors, in London, all without apparent foundation, were that announcement was expected shortly after "either the
Allies had entered Berlin, the Allaied and Russian armies had met, the Germans had surrendered on all three things had happened.")

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