Wednesday, May 8, 2013




Designates Sunday
As Day of Prayer

WASHINGTON.—(AP) — President Truman proclaimed today "complete
and final" victory in the European theater of the greatest war in history.
He went on a radio hookup at 8 a. m. (central war time) to read his formal
proclamation, which he prefaced with brief remarks in which he solemnly
"Our victory is but half won. The west is free, but the east is still in bondage to the treacherous tyranny of the Japanese. When the last Japanese division has surrendered unconditionally, then only will our fighting job be done."
It was President Truman's 61st birthday, his first in the White House, and he-described it as "a solemn but a glorious hour."
In his proclamation he designated next Sunday—Mother's day—as a day of prayer for offering "joyful thanks to God for the victory we have won and to pray that He will support us to the end of our present struggle and guide us into the way of peace."
For in rejoicing over victory, he asked the nation not to forget that "sorrow and heartache" abide in the homes of thousands of Americans.
"Solemn, Glorious Hour."
"This is a solemn but a glorious hour. I only wish that Franklin D. Roosevelt had lived to witness this day," he declared. "General Eisenhower informs me that the forces of Germany have surrendered to the United Nations. The flags
of freedom fly over all Europe.
"For this victory we join in offering our thanks to the Providence which has guided and sustained us through the dark days of adversity."
Thus was brought to. a close the titanic struggle which cost American armed forces 132,000 lives and more than 550,000 other casualties in three years, four months and seven days of fighting against the axis in the European
and Mediterranean theaters.
Mr. Truman made it clear that this nation's fight against aggression was not over, that the effort will not cease until " the – Japanese military and naval forces Lsy down their arms as nazi German; has done.

Truman Sends
Message to
Allied Leaders
WASHINGTON — (AP) — The White House today released the following messages sent by President Truman to other Allied leaders:
"With the unconditional surrender of all the armies of nazidom and the liberation of the oppressed people of Europe from the evils of barbarism. I wish to express to
you, and through you t o Britian’s heroic army, navy and air forces,
our congratulations on their achievements. The government of the United States is deeply a p preciative of the splendid contribution of all the British empire
forces and of the British people to this magnificent victory. With warm affection, we hail our comrades in- arms across t h e Atlantic."
"Now that the nazi armies of aggression have been forced by the co-ordinated efforts of soviet-Anglo-American forces to an unconditional surrender, I wish to express to you and through you to your heroic army the appreciation and congratulations of the United States government on its splendid contribution to the  cause of civilization and liberty.
"You have demonstrated in all your campaigns what it is possible to accomplish when a free people under superlative leadership and with unfailing courage rise against thr forces of barbarism."
" In recognition of the unconditional and abject surrender of t he nazi barbarians, please accept the fervent -congratulations and appreciation of myself and of the
American people for the heroic achievements of your Allied army, navy and air forces. By their sacrifices, skill and courage they have saved and exalted the cause of freedom throughout, the world all of us owe to you and to your men of many nations a debt beyond appraisal for their high contribution to the conquest of naziism.
" I send also my personal appreciation of t h e superb leadership shown by you and your commanders in directing t h e valiant legions of our own country and of our
Allies to this historic victory.
"Please transmit this message to the appropriate officers of your command and publish it to all Allied forces in your theaters of operation."
"The nazi forces of barbarian aggression having now been driven into an unconditional surrender by our Allied armies, this is an appropriate time to send through you America's congratulations to the people of France on their permanent
liberation from the oppression they have endured with high courage for so long.
" I wish also to send to you this expression of our appreciation of the contribution made by valiant soldiers of France to our Allied victory."

Hostilities Formally to Cease
With Ratification at 5:01 p. m
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON — President Truman and Prime Minister Churchill today proclaimed complete victory in Europe. Hostilities formally cease at 5:01 p .m., CWT, tonight,
supreme headquarters announced. Shattered Germany's unconditional surrender "will be ratified and confirmed at Berlin" today, Churchill said.

Late Bulletins
With the Canadian First
Army, Holland — (AP) —
Arthur Seyss-Inquart, German commissioner for the Netherlands, was placed under arrest by the Canadian First army. He faces war crimes charges.
The Czech controlled radio announced tonight that a "cease fire" order had been issued in Prague and its vicinity upon agreement between the Czech and German commanders.
Marshal Tito's Yugoslav Partisans have liberated Zagreb, capital of puppet Croatia, the Belgrade radio said tonight.
LONDON — (U.P) _
Soviet troops have captured Dresden after a two-day battle, Premier Stalin announced in an order of the day today.
PARIS. — (AP) —
General Eisenhower in a victory order of the day told members of the Allied expeditionary force today that their great triumph was achieved by "working and fighting .together in a single and indestructible partnership" and by a "unification of air, ground and naval power that will stand as a model in our

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