Thursday, November 1, 2012

November 1, 1944; Japanese Confused:


Fires, Raids,
Fear Among
Nips Told
And Belittled
Kanto Industrial
Area Reported Hit;
Jap Broadcasts
Reflect Confusion
ByThe Associated Press
Tokyo radio spluttered for hours today about a B-29 Superfortress raid on the Japanese capital, but the War Department in Washington said it had "no Information about any serial operations over Japan."

By The Associated Press
Superforts bombed Tokyo today in the first American raid on the Nipponese capital in more than two years, unconfirmed Japanese radio reports indicated.
In a series of confused reports, Tokyo radio said a B-29 apparently from a newly developed base in the Marianas Islands appeared over the capital but left "without attempting attacks"; that several four-engined planes were over the city; that at least one plane raided a factory district throwing workers in confusion.
The reports all agreed that an enemy plane or planes were over the Tokyo area around 1 p. m. Wednesday (Tokyo time).

Landing By
Allies On
Assaulting Last German
Gun Positions Blocking
Way To Antwerp; Nazis
Escape From Trap
London. Nov. 1 (AP)—British Commandos stormed ashore today on the southern and western coast of Walchcren Island, and were making good progress tonight in a pincers drive to smash the last Germans barring the sea lane to Antwerp.
London. Nov. 1 (AP)—
Allied amphibious forces have landed on the south .shore of Walcheren Island and are assaulting the last Nazi "nn positions: blocking" the sea lane
to Antwerp, the Berlin radio declared today.
The Germans said the seaborne strike was aimed at Vlissingen (Flushing), on the lower tip of Walcheren, even as Canadians to the east fought across the narrow causeway from conquered South Beveland Island through a wall of enemy lire.

British Patrols
Reach Salonika
Rome. Nov. 1 –(AP)—
British patrols have captured the important Greek port of Salonika. Allied headquarters announced today. Pressure is being maintained by Allied forward patrols against the headquarters communique said.  British troops and Greek guerrillas' pushing the Germans out of Greece were last reported within seven
miles of the Yugoslav border in this sector.

Marines Back
In Philippines
(This delayed dispatch Is the first disclosure that Marines
are participating in the reinvasion of the Philippines.)
24th Corps Artillery Command Post. Leyte, Philippines, Oct. 27— (Delayed) (AP)—
American artillery fire power on Leyte is so superior and the Japanese have scattered so fast that Marine Brig. Gen. Thomas Bourke complains his field guns
Don’t have enough time for a good workout.
Marine battalions in the composite Army-Marine 24th Corps artillery are the only Marine units participating in the initial reinvasion of the Philippines.
Bourko, whose home is in Sevcrna Park. Md. is a veteran of the Second Division Tarawa assault.
Like Bourke, his officers expected and wanted an Artilleryman's chance to mass-fire all of their available guns on a single concentration of Japanese.
But fast-driving infantry spearheads cutting west from the Dulag beachhead apparently scattered the Japanese. Corps artillery batteries have been shelling these scattered groups wherever aerial observers could find them.

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