Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November 28, 1944; Allies Cross Rhine:



 U. S. Troops Pin
Nazis Against
Roer River Line
LONDON, Nov. 28.—(AP)—
The enemy salient south of the Rhoue-Rhine canal in Alsace has been virtually wiped out with the seizure of Dannemarie and several nearby villages, Supreme Headquarters announced today.
Many enemy tanks were destroyed and 1,000 prisoners were taken in the heavy fighting which crushed a German force which had attempted to destroy the
French First Army's supply lines through the Belfort - Gap.
The communique said that American troops "made slow progress" yesterday in the Julich-Hurtgen sector beyond Aachen.
A field dispatch said fresh advances moved U. S. Third infantry today to within 10 miles of Saarbrucken and five miles of Sarlautern.
The 377th Regiment of the 95th Division sliced four miles, eastward on a six-mile front, reaching Villing, five miles southwest of Saarlautern.
Eightieth Division troops shoved forward three and one-half miles to Seingbousse, 10 miles southwest of Saarbrucken.
The 80th's 319th Regiment thrust two more miles beyond captured St. Avoid, passing Hombourg, 11 miles southwest of Saarbrucken and seven southwest
of Forbach.
An Allied crossing of the Rhine three miles north of Strasbourg was reported today in a French War  Ministry announcement broadcast by the French press •
agency and reported by the Federal Communications Commission.

Allied, Plus Neutral,
Shipping Losses Are
5,758 Vessels, Since'39

87 Jap Airplanes,
48 Ships, Bagged On
Last Friday's Raid
Pearl Harbor, Nov. 28.—(/P)—
The toll of Japanese ships sunk or damaged this month in relentless American carrier-plane raids on the Manila area stood at 151 today with upward revision o£ figures on Friday's strike which bagged 48 ships and 87 airplanes.
Adm. Chester W. Nimitz in a communique added two ships sunk and 23 damaged to the earlier score.
The fight for Leyte Island slithered to a virtual standstill in the Ornioc corridor's mud as terrific rains fell; but U. S. planes based on the island dropped 235 tons of bombs on Japanese air installations on Cebu and Negros, and at Davao Friday, Gen. Douglas MacArthur's communique reported.
In the Friday strikes on the
Manila area, Hellcat fighters and anti-aircraft batteries on American surface ships have downed 58 Japanese planes, in addition to 29 more destroyed and 32 probably damaged on the ground.
Adm. Nimitz' communique listed the following vessels sunk in the attacks:
A heavy cruiser at Santa Cruz, on the \vest coast of Luzon.
One destroyer at Santa Cruz.
Two old destroyers at Marinduque island, about 100 miles southeast of Manila.
One destroyer escort
Three medium landing ships 10 miles west of Santa Cruz.
One cargo vessel north of San Fernando, a port 150 miles north of Manila.
One small freighter off Subic Bay, 50 miles north of Manila
Four oilers near Lubang Island, About 75 miles southwest of Manila.
Four ,small coastal -freighters Banton Island, 137 west of Manila.
Two luggers west of Bataan.
Nipponese planes raided Morotai Island,
were downed by U. S. night fighters anti-aircraft guns.

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